单击“开始”/运行,输入Regedit打开注册表,定位到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesTcpipParameters下,修改的“TcpNumConnections”的键值,将之由10改为150,即设置TCP最大并发连接数为150。 经过实际测试,我们发现该方法看起来有效,但实质上并不能突破并发连接数**,提高SP2的多线程访问速度。因为SP2对线...
ClickStart, clickRun, and then typeregeditin theOpenbox. Locate the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services ClickAdd Valueon theEditmenu, type the value that you want, and then set the value type underData Type. ...
They may be modified by using Registry Editor (Regedit.exe).BcastNameQueryCount Key: Netbt\Parameters Value type: REG_DWORD - Count Valid range: 1 to 0xFFFF Default: 3 Description: This value determines the number of times NetBT broadcasts a query for a particular name without receiving a...
On the toolbar, select Start > Run, and then type Regedit to start the Registry Editor. In the Registry Editor, select Edit, point to New, and then select DWORD Value. In the New Value box, type Tcp1323Opts, press ENTER, and then on the Edit menu, sele...
}, delay); }catch(e){} } //延迟加载新浪的获取ip的api js loadSinaJs(500); function getCityName(){ var cityName= remote_ip_info.city; cityName = encodeURI(encodeURI(cityName)); url="/vgs-web/weather/index.htm?cityName="+cityName; ...
To add parameters with Regedit.exe, select this key and type the list of IP addresses, pressing Enter after each one. Then modify the SubnetMask value, and type a corresponding list of subnet masks.NameServerKey: Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\interfaceGUID...
No attempt is made to account for the time lag between when the network interface finished receiving the packet from the network and when the kernel applied a time stamp to the packet; that time lag could include a delay between the time when the network interface finished receiving a packet...
To address this issue in Windows Vista, we implemented TCP auto-tuning. It enables TCP window scaling by default and automatically tunes the TCP receive window size based on the bandwidth delay product (BDP) and the rate at which the application reads data from the connection. With TCP auto-...
would lead to an aproximate of 180 seconds delay before the connection times out. 第二个参数net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 200000也重要,具体多少数值受限于内存。 以下配置,第一段参数是最重要的,第二段参数是辅助的,其余参数是其他作用的: ...
regedit /s 注册表文件名 导入注册表;参数/S指安静模式导入,无任何提示; regedit /e 注册表文件名 导出注册表 cacls 文件名 参数 显示或修改文件访问控制列表(ACL)——针对NTFS格式时。参数:/D 用户名:设定拒绝某用户访问;/P 用户名:perm 替换指定用户的访问权限;/G 用户名:perm 赋予指定用户访问权限;Perm ...