例如:传输控制协定(TCP)、UDP、DCCP、SCTP、TLS/SSL等。 网络层(Network Layer):决定数据的路径选择和转寄,将网络表头(NH)加至数据包,以形成封包。网络表头包含了网络资料。例如:互联网协议(IP)、ICMP、IGMP、RARP等。 数据链路层(Data Link Layer):负责网络寻址、错误侦测和改错。当表头和表尾被加至数据包时,...
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)和UDP(User Datagram Protocol)协议属于传输层协议。其中TCP提供IP环境下的数据可靠传输,它提供的服务包括数据流传送、可靠性、有效流控、全双工操作和多路复 用。通过面向连接、端到端和可靠的数据包发送。通俗说,它是事先为所发送的数据开辟出连接好的通道,然后再进行数据发送;而...
TCP/IP 模型将 OSI 的会话层、表示层和应用层合并为应用层 结论 理解TCP/IP 模型的四个层次对于网络工程师、系统管理员和软件开发人员来说至关重要。每一层都扮演着独特的角色,共同构建了强大而复杂的互联网基础设施。 参考资料 RFC 1122: Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Communication Layers 计算机网络(第7...
computer network layers architecture TCP/IP 协议簇 计算机网络 分层架构 computer network layers architecture (TCP/IP) 计算机网络分层架构 TCP/IP 协议簇 OSI 模型(7 层) TCP/IP (4 层) Application (or Process)Internet Transport (or Host-to-Host) Internet Network Access (or Link) Application (e.g...
虽然现在的Internet并不是基于OSI模型,而是使用更简单的TCP/IP模型。但是,OSI七层模型仍然被广泛使用着,目前它发挥着可视化、帮助人们理解网络的运行方式以及帮助隔离、解决网络问题的作用。 OSI 7 layers 7 应用层(Application Layer) 人机交互层,可支持应用的网络服务 6 表示层(Presentation Layer) 数据的加密以及...
In computer science, the concept of network layers is a framework that helps to understand complex network interactions. There are two models that are widely referenced today: OSI and TCP/IP. The concepts are similar, but the layers themselves differ between the two models. What are the ...
The five layers of the TCP/IP network are generally introduced and then each layer is studied in a separate section. The layer is defined, then its function is explained and the important protocols and processes are explained. An example of the protocols and processes is given when it is ...
OSI网络结构的七层模型 TCP/IP层次模型 OSI网络结构的七层模型 (OSI Network Architecture 7 Layers Model) 开放式系统互联模型(OSI)是1984年由国际标准化组织(ISO)提出的一个参考模 型。作为一个概念性框架,它是不同制造商的设备和应用软件在网络中进行通信的标准。现在此模型已成为计算机间和网络间进行通信的...
For the Internet to be interconnected, a message needs to go through the network protocol from sending to receiving. Let's talk about the TCP/I...
which allows the request and response to know which server and port to actually go to in the Network. The URL address is used by Domain Name Systems to map to the IP address. For HTTP URL, the port defaults to Port 80 which is the standard HTTP port. We'll talk more about ports la...