communication technologies for a single network segment (link); the internet layer, connecting hosts across independent networks, thus establishing internetworking; the transport layer handling host-to-host communication; and the application layer, which provides process-to-process application data exchange....
2、an error returned from connect(), so it can only occur in a client (if a client is defined as the party that initiates the connection _ 110 ETIMEDOUT_ +Connection timed out _ 109 ETOOMANYREFS Too many references: cannot splice _ 108 ESHUTDOWN__ Cannot send after transport endpoint s...
/* The socket is waiting after close to handle packets still in the network.等待足够的时间以确保远程TCP接收到连接中断请求的确认 */ TIME_WAIT等待状态,这个状态又叫做2MSL状态,说的是在TIME_WAIT2发送了最后一个ACK数据报以后,要进入TIME_WAIT状态,这个状态是防止最后一次握手的数据报没有传送到对方那里而...
2、an error returned from connect(), so it can only occur in a client (if a client is defined as the party that initiates the connection _ 110 ETIMEDOUT_ +Connection timed out _ 109 ETOOMANYREFS Too many references: cannot splice _ 108 ESHUTDOWN__ Cannot send after transport endpoint s...
在主动关闭端接收到FIN后,TCP就发送ACK包,并进入TIME-WAIT状态。/* The socket is waiting after close to handle packets still in the network.等待足够的时间以确保远程TCP接收到连接中断请求的确认 */ TIME_WAIT等待状态,这个状态又叫做2MSL状态,说的是在TIME_WAIT2发送了最后一个ACK数据报以后,要进入TIME_...
进程间通信(Inter-Process Communication,IPC)的根本前提是能够唯一标示每个进程。在本地主机的进程间通信中,可以用 PID(进程 ID)唯一标示每个进程,但 PID 只在本地唯一,在网络中不同主机的 PID 则可能发生冲突,因此采用「IP 地址 + 传输层协议 + 端口号」的方式唯一标示网络中的一个进程。
When a protocol on the sending system adds data to the packet header, the process is called data encapsulation. Moreover, each layer has a different term for the altered packet, as shown in the following figure. Figure 1-1 How a Packet Travels Through the TCP/IP Stack This section ...
12.2 Data-driven Processing In A Server 12.3 Data-Driven Processing With A Single Thread 12.4 Thread Structure OfA Singly-Threaded Server 12.5 An Example Singly-Threaded ECHO Server 12.6 Summary Chapter 13 Multiprotocol Servers (TCP, UDP)13.1 Introduction 13.2 The Motivation For Reducing ...
HTTP, TCP, UDP proxy process will communicate with parent proxy. In order to secure, we use encrypted communication. Of course, we can choose not to encrypted communication. All communication with parent proxy in this tutorial is encrypted, requiring certificate files. ...