errno.05 is: Input/output error errno.06 is: No such device or address errno.07 is: Argument list too long errno.08 is: Exec format error errno.09 is: Bad file descriptor errno.10 is: No child processes errno.11 is: Resource temporarily unavailable[资源临时不可用](连续发送数据时候回出...
Socket Error # 10054 Connection reset by peer.这样的错误,不知道什么原因造成的,望知道的能给予帮助,有分相送.代码如下procedure TfrmOutGuest.IdTCPServerExecute(AContext: TIdContext);var rev:string;begin try rev:=AContext.Connection.IOHandler.ReadLn('3c2f7a787764706f733e'); CoInitialize(nil); Frm...
在本例中,您正在接收来自System.IO.IOException对象的NetworkStream。此异常具有一个嵌套的System.Net.Sockets.SocketException,其ErrorCode值为10054 (SocketErrorCode==ConnectionReset)。若要处理异常,请使用try-catch块。例如,主动
10054 or RC461 This return code is often the results of a problem in the TCP/IP network. There are various reasons for TCP/IP sending a reset: An unorderly connection termination, such as a rebooting the client box, can cause a reset. ...
select 函数正常返回, recv 函数返回 SOCKET_ERROR , WSAGetLastError () 得到的结果为 WSAECONNRESET(10054) 。 b) 网络断开 结果同上: select 函数正常返回, recv 函数返回 SOCKET_ERROR , WSAGetLastError() 得到的结果为 WSAECONNRESET(10054) 。
ErrorInfo = String.Format("ClientReceiveDataCallback:[{0}] {1}", ex.ErrorCode, ex.ToString()); DebugOutput.ProcessMessage(ErrorInfo);//输出到文件 if (ex.ErrorCode == 10054) { CloseClient();//关闭连接 //向BLL层推送连接处理信息
10054 or RC461 This return code is often the results of a problem in the TCP/IP network. There are various reasons for TCP/IP sending a reset: An unorderly connection termination, such as a rebooting the client box, can cause a reset. An application requests a connect to a port and...
如何处理urllib.error.URLError:<urlopen error [WinError 10054]现有连接被远程host>强制关闭? 钩子执行失败:无法打开到::1:8000的TCP连接(连接被拒绝-端口8000的连接(2)::1) 错误-- ddtrace:[ddtrace]无法打开到localhost的TCP连接:8126(连接被拒绝-连接(2) "localhost“端口8126) 端口关闭事件是否会导致...
Error: Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server : Login failed for user 'SA'.. Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server : TCP Provider: Error code 0x2749. Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server : A network-related or instance-specific error has occurred wh...
最初尝试时,我遇到一个具体的错误提示,SQLSTATE[08001] SQLDriverConnect: 10054,其背后是使用 Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 的 TCP Provider 错误代码 0x2746。我逐一检查并调整,包括在配置文件中使用正确的ODBC驱动绝对路径,确保等号前后无空格等,均未解决问题。甚至更换到Odbc 驱动的较新版本,并尝试...