In this manual, the following notations are used: Action Menu command Calling the menu command Keys Press the keys simultaneously Buttons File names, paths Notation Menu Logic diagram Step 1 – Step 2 – Step 3 – Step x Example: Select the menu Logic diagram - Add - New function block. ...
With TCP/IP connections, a computer can function either as the client or the server. The following block diagram represents a client application that initiates a connection to a remote server with TCP Open Connection. The server, or daemon, listens for remote connections and responds appropriately...
本文转自: 读懂TCP状态转移过程,对理解网络编程颇有帮助,本文将对TCP状态转移过程进行介绍,但各状态(总共11个)含义不在本文介绍的范围,请参考文末的书目列表。 TCP状态转换图(state transition diagram) 1. 建立连接(three-way hand shake) 主动打开(... ...
The system model projects a network traffic diagram baseline case showing an ideal scenario. "TCP Congestion Control and Flow Control – Sliding Windows" shows the impact of the environment that reduces network flow, and how you can use tuning to compensate for the congestion. Various conditions...
Just as the IP address identifies the computer, The networkportidentifies theapplication or servicerunning on the computer. The use of ports allow computers/devices to run multiple services/applications. The diagram below shows a computer to computer connection and identifies the IP addresses and port...
Diagram shows our sample network containing three routers used to connect four networks together. Minimized routing table of each router is shown in the diagram. Networks column lists all the accessible networks and interface column mentions the interface which is used to access each network. Metric...
heavy electrical equipment, tax accounting, scientific and related consulting services, charter freight air transportation, Information technology consulting, application hosting services, software diagram and design, computer aided design, communication equipment, electronics manufacturing equipment, computer compone...
Below is a diagram of the TCP/IP protocol suite. Note that in the Host-to-Host layer, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) are defined for transmitting datagrams. We will look at the details of both these protocols as well as their interaction with the uppe...
This diagram shows the most common implementation, which uses 32 bits for the layer three (“Protocol”) addresses, and 48 bits for the layer two hardware addresses. These numbers of course correspond to the address sizes of the Internet Protocol version 4 and IEEE 802 MAC addresses, used by...
TCP employs the positive acknowledgement with retransmission technique for the purpose of achieving reliability in service. Figure 19: The positive acknowledgement with retransmission technique. Figure 19 illustrates a simple ladder diagram depicting the events taking place between two hosts. The arrows repr...