TCP 19=Skun TCP 20=FTP Data,Amanda TCP 21=文件传输,Back Construction,Blade Runner,Doly Trojan,Fore,FTP trojan,Invisible FTP,Larva,WebEx,WinCrash TCP 22=远程登录协议 TCP 23=远程登录(Telnet),Tiny Telnet Server (= TTS) TCP 25=电子邮件(SMTP),Ajan,Antigen,Email Password Sender,Happy 99,Kuang...
TCP 5760=Portmap Remote Root Linux Exploit TCP 5880=Y3K RAT TCP 5881=Y3K RAT TCP 5882=Y3K RAT TCP 5888=Y3K RAT TCP 5889=Y3K RAT TCP 5900=WinVnc TCP 6000=Backdoor.AB TCP 6006=Noknok8 TCP 6129=Dameware Nt Utilities服务器 TCP 6272=SecretService TCP 6267=广外女生 TCP 6400=Backdoor.AB,T...
Must Read:Critical Security Flaws in Android Devices Affecting Millions of Users According toLookout, a grave exploit that is found in the TCP of Linux systems is equally effective on roughly 80% of all Android devices. Attackers can easily get unencrypted data traffic and also spy upon victims ...
Agent40421 TCP37=Time,ADMworm TCP39=SubSARI TCP41=DeepThroat,Foreplay TCP42=HostNameServer TCP43=WHOIS TCP44=Arctic TCP48=DRAT TCP49=主机登录协议 TCP50=DRAT TCP51=IMPLogicalAddressMaintenance,FuckLamersBackdoor TCP52=MuSka52,Skun TCP53=DNS,Bonk(DOSExploit...
exploit: 利用已知的漏洞入侵系统 external: 利用第三方的数据库或资源,例如进行whois解析 fuzzer:模糊测试的脚本,发送异常的包到目标机,探测出潜在漏洞 intrusive: 入侵性的脚本,此类脚本可能引发对方的IDS/IPS的记录或屏蔽 malware: 探测目标机是否感染了病毒、开启了后门等信息 ...
TCP 53=DNS,Bonk (DOS Exploit) TCP 54=MuSka52 TCP 58=DMSetup TCP 59=DMSetup TCP 63=whois++ TCP 64=Communications Integrator TCP 65=TACACS-DatabaseService TCP 66=Oracle SQL*NET,AL-Bareki TCP 67=Bootstrap Protocol Server TCP 68=Bootstrap Protocol Client ...
you will use a port scanner. Port scanners can be used to craft and send various types of packets to remote hosts to discover the type of traffic the server accepts. Malicious users often use this as a discovery tool to try to find vulnerable services to exploit (part of the ...
5714=Wincrash3 TCP 5741=WinCrash3 TCP 5742=WinCrash TCP 5760=Portmap Remote Root Linux Exploit TCP 5880=Y3K RAT TCP 5881=Y3K RAT TCP 5882=Y3K RAT TCP 5888=Y3K RAT TCP 5889=Y3K RAT TCP 5900=WinVnc TCP 6000=Backdoor.AB TCP 6006=Noknok8 TCP 6129=Dameware Nt Utilities 服务器 TCP 6272...
在渗透测试实战中,我们经常会遇到Linux系统环境,而让Linux主机反弹个shell是再常见不过的事情了。 012 Metasploit-framework 内网穿透:多场景详解 对于一名合格的网络安全从业者来说,Metasploit-framework是必会不可的工具,大大降低了exploit的利用门槛。 03 字节一面:TCP 和 UDP 可以使用同一个端口吗? 之前有读者在...