Here we would like to draw your attention toFF_6 transaction code in SAP. This can clearly take you where you want to go as we are explaining it in detail with the help of screenshots of the SAP FF_6 tcode. As we know it is being used in the SAPBank accounting module. ...
10、te BankFI12创建银行主记录Change House Banks/Bank AccountsFD01创建客户主数据Create Customer (Account i ng)FD02更改客户主数据Change Customer (Account i ng)FD03显示客户主数据Display Customer (Account i ng)FD05冻结/解冻客户主数 据Block Customer (Account i ng)FD06删除客户主数据Mark Customer for...
Display vendor master with bank details in alv grid list Tcode in SAP List of material master list Tcode in SAP Display vendor which of the following would you type in a vendor matchcode to list all vendors whose name ends with belllist Tcode in SAP ...
FBE3 Display Payment Advice 显示收付通知 FBE6 Delete Payment Advice 删除收付通知 FBE7 Add to Payment Advice Account 加上收付通知帐户FBL1 Display Vendor Line Items 显示供应商单项 FBL2 Change Vendor Line Items 更改供应商行项目 FBL5 Display Customer Line Items 显示客户单项 FBL6 Change Customer ...
31、 Payment AdviceFBE2 Change Payment AdviceFBE3 Display Payment AdviceFBE6 Delete Payment AdviceFBE7 Add to Payment Advice AccountFBF1 C80 Reporting Minus Sp.G/L Ind.FBF2 Financial TransactionsFBF3 Control ReportFBF4 Download DocumentsFBF5 Reports Minus Vendor AccountsFBF6 Document ChangesFBF7 C8...
SM30/31would allow you to maintaining the values in these tables eg: absences to be configured can be done thruSM30 check out v_001p_all ; v_503_all ...etc The rest of the HR Tables are as follows: DD01L Domains DD02L SAP tables DD03...
The reason is, that for tcode BP, we don't want to check the Bank Account (field BANKN), but we want a check for Bank Account in FK02. I have followed the steps in But when I run the tcode FINF, as describe...
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In this SAP FICO tutorial, you will learn the step-by-step procedure to create a billing document for your business in the SAP system using t-code VF01 with proper screenshots
SAP Acquire to Retire ATR Tables ANAR - Asset Types ANAT - Asset type text ANEK - Document Header Asset Posting ANEP - Asset Line Items ANEV - Asset downpymt settlement ANKA - Asset classes: general data ANKB - Asset class: depreciation area ANKL - Generation table for generating asset ...