20、ence 显示划帐委托 /参考LT31 Print TO Manually 手工打印转储单LT32 Print transfer order for stor.unit打印仓储单位转储单LT41 Prepare TRs for Multiple Processing准备多重处理的转储单LT42 Create TOs by Multiple Processing按多处理创建转储单LT43 Forming groups for deliveries形成交货组LT44 Release for...
ME29N采购审批(单个) Release Purchase Order(single) ME9F消息输出:采购订单 Message Output: Purchase Orders ME51N建立采购申请 Create Purchase Requisition ME57分配和处理申请 Assign and Process Requisitions ME58订单:分配的请求 Ordering: Assigned Requisitions MIGO库存运做 Stock MMBE查询单个库存 Stock Overview...
( 数量 (Stock)或价值 (FI 凭证 / 科目的确定 )3. 移动类型的字段显示(Screen) 可以在 IMG中设置4.MRP,ATP check 等计算的基础5. 链接 SAP各模块Movement typeMvt type Description1xx GR from Pur/Prd and return2xx GI for Consumption3xx,4xx Transfer5xx GR W/O ref to Pur/Prd Order6xx LE-...
SAP WM模块的那些常用TCODETCodeTransaction textLB01Create Transfer RequirementLB02Change transfer requirementLB03Display Transfer RequirementLB10TRs for Storage TypeLB11TRs for MaterialLB12TRs and Po…
LT01 Create Transfer Order创建转储单 LT02 Create TO for Inventory Difference创建库存差额转储单 LT03 Create TO from Delivery Note按交货单创建转储单 LT04 Create TO from TR按转储要求创建转储单 LT05 Process Posting Change Notice处理记帐改变通知 LT06 Create TO for Material Document创建物料凭证的转储单...
LT0E Create Removal TO for 2-Step Picking LT11 Confirm Transfer Order Item LT12 Confirm transfer order LT13 Confirm TO for storage unit LT14 Confirm preplanned TO item LT15 Cancelling transfer order LT16 Cancelling TO for storage unit LT17 Single Entry of Actual Data LT1A Change Transfer ...
SAP Office FI Financial Management Material Management (MM) MM configuration transactions Config Related Plant Maintenance (PM) IW32 Change Plant Maintenance Order IW33 Display Plant Maintenance Order IW34 Create Notification Order IW51 Create Service Notification ...
SAP 经常使用T-CODE Plant Maintenance (PM) IW32 - Change Plant Maintenance Order IW33 - Display Plant Maintenance Order IW34 - Create Notification Order IW51 - Create Service Notification IW52 - Change Service Notification IW53 - Display Service Notification...
printer setting problem, maybe chinese language package to be installed; Please check the device type in SAP , if you use CNSAPWIN, it should be ok.;我改了设备类型为CNSAPWIN,还是一样的,汉字打成 “#”如果设置都没问题的话,可能是SAP打印服务程序有问题。我们以前也遇到过,后来请sap的顾问改了...