SE76 SAPscript: Form Translation SAPscript: 翻译格式 SE77 SAPscript Translation Styles SAPscript 翻译样式 SO10 SAPscript: Standard Texts SAPscript:标准文本 SE71 SAPscript form SAP脚本格式 SE72 SAPscript styles SAPscript 样式 SARP Reporting (Tree Structure): Execute 报表(树结构):执行 SART Display...
hi i use TCODE and find the report use sap query made(SQ01). but i don't what name about SQ01. how use TCODE to find the name about SQ01. thank you very much!
SE37 执行 S_CUSM G_ACTIVITY_READ找至U TCODE搞不懂S_ALR*这种TCODE是个什么鬼意思,可能是 SAP AG还没想好短TCODE,先给个临时代号吧Structure Editor: Display IMG_ACnVTTY_HEADERfrom Entry & 也7|T H Q Cokm Mrato:Otfrnmra idC 口TDOIISX叩珈JRWlSKIN浙顾並朋S血FM?侧SM8T0M2OTW3.找到短T...
These are the steps to configure the organization structures in material management: =>Define plant (create plant) – Follow below path SPRO IMG < enterprise structure > < Definition > <Logistic general > <define,copy,_deletecheck plant > <copy, _deletecheck plant > <copy from 1000 > give...
SE48 - Show program call hierarchy. Very useful to see the overall structure of a program. SE49 - Table manipulation. Show what tables are behind a transaction code. SE51 - Screen Painter: Initial Screen SE54 - Generate View Maintenance Module ...
These are the steps to configure the organization structures in material management:=>Define plant (create plant) – Follow below pathSPRO IMG < enterprise structure > < Definition > <Logistic general > <define,copy,_deletecheck plant > <copy, _deletecheck plant > <copy from 1000 > give ...
would like to draw your attention toMGV_CORRECT transaction code in SAP. As we know it is being used in the SAPCO-PC (Product Cost Controlling in CO) componentwhich is coming underCO module (Controlling).MGV_CORRECT is a transaction code used forChecks + Corrects Quantity Structurein SAP....
The SAP TCode CJ02 is used for the task: Change Work Breakdown Structure. The TCode belongs to the CN_PSP_OPR package.Top SAP Tcodes Purchase Order Tcodes Cost Center Tcodes Vendor Tcodes Sales Order Tcodes Purchase Requisition Tcodes Display GL Account Tcodes Stock Tcodes Goods Receipt ...
SAP Managed Tags: BW (SAP Business Warehouse) Hello Everyone!!! Hope all are doing good. I want to know the tables of a data source ...How can i know check a particular data source built on what tables..? I can see that in lbwe in maintain extract structure ...but we can se...