Profiles in users 根据参数文件反查用户Profiles in Roles 根据参数文件反查用户 SAP中 su01 PFCG和SUIM要灵活使用。时常更新Common role (T-CODE)和 Local role (具体权限对象)并配合用户的权限检查,以及PDM权限流程辅助来管理权限。PS常用T-CODECJ9 40、1 创建标准 WBS Create Standard WBSCJ92 更改标准 WBS ...
number/service to activity type) OMZ1 Definition of partner roles. OMZ2 Language dependent key reassignment for partner roles. Material Management (MM) MM06 Flag material for deletion. OLMS- materials management configuration menu, most of the stuff under this menu is not under the implementation ...
SXI_CACHE -> To Access IS runtime cache SXI_SUPPORT -> Test all the Repository and Directory Objects SXI_CACHE -> XI data directory cacheidx1 -> idoc adapter IDX2 -> idoc metadata IDX5 -> monitor idoc adapter ST22 -> ABAP dump analysis ...
1:roles-RolesbyComplexSelectionCriteria 查询用户的role 可以添加T-CODE的查询条件,缩小查找范围。 2:roles-ByUserAssignment 按用户查询ROLE。 3:roles-ByTransactionAssignment 按事物代码查询有权限的role。 4:roles-ByProfileAssignment 根据参数文件查询ROLE ...
You will have to add manually the object S_TABU_DIS with ACTVT as 03 and DIBERCLS as KK in the roles in the authorization tab pfcg using button manually. You may have to find out the tables for the other tcodes. Then you can find out the authorization group assigned to these tables ...
IDXP - > to monitor the message packages. SWF_XI_CUSTOMIZING -> transaction to check prerequisites for integration processes. SWF_XI_ADM_BPE-> Start or Stop BPE SWF_XI_ADM_BPE_DISP-> Display BPE Status SXMS_IECONF ->Integration Engine 配置 ...
1:roles-Roles by Complex Selection Criteria . 查询用户的role 可以添加T-CODE 的查询条件,缩小查找范围。 2:roles-By User Assignment 按用户查询ROLE。 3:roles-By Traaction Assignment 按事物代码查询有权限的role。 4:roles-By Profile Assignment
tcode in workflow,TransactionCodesforSAPBusinessWorkflowTransactioncode PathfromareamenuSAPBusinessWorkflow(Development) AWUVWizardforeventcreationDefinition
SE10->ChangeRequest SE09->ChangeRequest WE05->Allidocs WE19->IDocTestTool WE21->portdefinition SE11->Datadictionary se37->mantainfuncionmodules SICF->httpserverconfiguration SMGW->GatewayMonitor BD13-> BD64->MaintenanceofDistributionModel PFCG->Roles tableTSTC->saptransactionscodes
Maintain Assignment of Authorization Objects to Transactions Tools->Administration->User Maintenance->Activity Groups (UserRoles)->Environment->Check indicator SU25 Profile Generator: Upgrade and First Installation Tools->Administration->User Maintenance->Activity Groups (UserRoles)->Environment->Installat...