DB17 DB system check (configure) DB system check (configure) DB20 No.of table tupels acc. to stat. No.of table tupels acc. to stat. DB21 Maintenance control table DBSTATC Maintenance control table DBSTATC RZ01 Job Scheduling Monitor 作业计划监视器 RZ02 Network Graphics for SAP Instances...
SE73 SAPscript font maintenance (revised) SAPscript 字体维护(修订的) SE74 SAPscript format conversion SAPscript 格式转化 SE75 SAPscript Settings SAPscript 设置 SE76 SAPscript: Form Translation SAPscript: 翻译格式 SE77 SAPscript Translation Styles SAPscript 翻译样式 SO10 SAPscript: Standard Texts ...
Parameter Changes in DB Tools->Administration->Monitor->Performance->Database->Parameter changes SM36 Define a new job System->Services->Jobs->Define job or Tools->CCMS->Jobs->Definition SM37 Monitor jobs System->Services->Jobs->Job overview or Tools->CCMS->Jobs->Maintenance RZ0...
TCODE规则及SAP交易事务码(TCODE) TCODE规则及SAP交易事务码(TCODE) TCODE规则 01 create 02 change 03 display 知道TCode查SAP menu 路径我刚开始学SAP的时候,我都是从同事或者网上先知道TCode, 而不知道这个TCode是在SAP menu的哪个路径下, 想知道这个TCode 是在SAP哪个 路径, 从而了解更多与它相关其它...
SAP T-Code T-CodeaddtoFavorites:1.Openthistransaction2.ClickSystematmenubar3.ClickUserprofile4.ClickExpandFavorites T-Code Transaction SAPALVReport ALV=SAPListView /N/SIE/ASP_MM_RM07MSAL /SIE/ASP_AUA_FIX_AUTCheckT-codeinwhickjobrole CA0x CreateRouting CO0xCO13CO15 CreateProductionOrder退...
DB17 DB system check (configure) DB system check (configure) DB20 No.of table tupels acc. to stat. No.of table tupels acc. to stat. DB21 Maintenance control table DBSTATC Maintenance control table DBSTATC RZ01 Job Scheduling Monitor 作业计划监视器 RZ02 Network Graphics for SAP Instances...
DB17 DB system check (configure) DB system check (configure) DB20 No.of table tupels acc. to stat. No.of table tupels acc. to stat. DB21 Maintenance control table DBSTATC Maintenance control table DBSTATC RZ01 Job Scheduling Monitor 作业计划监视器 ...
SAP Tcode AFBP Description Create depreciation posting log Package AA Program Name RAPOST2001 Screen Number 1000 Transaction Type R Module Financial Accounting ► Asset Accounting ► Basic Functions The SAP TCode AFBP is used for the task: Create depreciation posting log. The TCode belongs to ...
DB14ShowSAPDBAActionLogs DB15DataArchiving:DatabaseTables DB16DBSystemCheck:Monitor DB17DMIGDB2DB20 DBSystemCheck:ConfigurationStartTransactionforDataMigrationSelectDatabaseActivitiesDBCost-BasedOptimizer:Tab.Stats BASIS事务码AL01AL02AL03AL04AL05AL06AL07AL08AL09AL10AL11 AL12 AL13AL15 AL16 AL17AL18...