SMW0 SAP WEB Repository(binary data) - add/ mod images(used to put in screen containers) SMX View background jobs SNOTE SAP note assistant (if installed) SNRO Maintain number ranges (use FM 'NUMBER_GET_NEXT' to retrieve next number in range.) SO10 Standard text editor SP01 Spool list S...
Authorizations in the User Buffer for Logged-on User Tools->Administration->Monitor->User Buffer ST01 System Trace Tools->Administration->Monitor->Traces->System Trace SPAD Spool Administration Tools->CCMS->Spool->Spool administration SP...
8. SMLG 用于监控SAP登录负载运行是否均衡;用F5可以钻取面向特定用户组的性能数据. 9. AL08 用于检查登录到某个SAP应用服务器上的最终用户及显示他们正在执行的事务. 10. ST07 用于检查登录到整个系统的最终用户,系统用户可根据功能区域分类(如SAP ECC,FI,MM,PM,PS,SD等). 11. SM66 用于查看SAP系统中与每...
SARFC Server Resources for Asynchron. RFC SM58 Asynchronous RFC Error Log Internet SMICM ICM Monitor SMICM_SOS ICM Monitor SICF HTTP Service Hierarchy Maintenance Spool Print SP00 Spool and related areas SP01 Output Controller SP01O Spool Controller SP02 Display Spool Requests SP02O Display Output...
Your authorization is not valid for any installation of your company Please contact your administrator ,我也碰到这个信息 HYPERLINK,进去后点System Administrator in your company. 然后就会告诉你谁是管理员 19\? 有人...
SP03 Spool: Load Formats 假脱机:载入格式 SP1T Output Control (Test) 输出控制(测试) SPAD Spool Administration 假脱机管理 S PAT Spool Administration (Test) 假脱机管理(测试) SPCC Spool consistency check 假脱机一致性检查 SPIC Spool installation check 假脱机安装检查 SPTP Text elem. maint. for prin...
1、SAP 常用 T-CodeSAP 2007-10-31 21:42:12 阅读 373 评论 2 字号:大中小 订阅 ZPPC_ALL - My ToolsZBC41 -维护表ZGENNO 中的记录ZPPC15 - 查找开发类下对应的对像及对象AUTH_DISPLAY_OBJECTS -显示启用中的权限对象ZZSEARCH - Search for String From Source Code程序分析SLIN - ABAP程序语法核查...
Communication Interfaces URL - Remote Communications URL - ALE programming guide URL - about sap customer exits URL - RFC programming in abap URL - how to create a global class URL - SAP business workflow URL - BAPIs for Mass Data Transfer URL - BAPI user guide URL - IDOC URL - BAPI pr...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Yes..Tcodes SP01. SP02 etc are used for spool . Any one can use this tcodes TSP01 is the table. Any of your objects that you give for print are stored as spools in this Tcode. Sometimes based on the attributes you set spool gets created and th...