hi experts, Pls let me know how to create a tcode for a SAP query .I am using infoset query for combining two tables.I have created a query and the report is working
SE74 SAPscript format conversion SAPscript 格式转化 SE75 SAPscript Settings SAPscript 设置 SE76 SAPscript: Form Translation SAPscript: 翻译格式 SE77 SAPscript Translation Styles SAPscript 翻译样式 SO10 SAPscript: Standard Texts SAPscript:标准文本 SE71 SAPscript form SAP脚本格式 SE72 SAPscript sty...
42、act dataFCHI Check LotsFCHK Check Tracing Initial MenuFCHN Check RegisterFCHR Online Cashed ChecksFCHT Change check/payment allocation FCHU Create Reference for CheckFCHV C FI Maintain Table TVOID FCHX Check Extract - Creation FCIWCU BW Customizing for CS FCIWD00 Download InfoObject text FC...
tcode in workflow Transaction Codes for SAP Business WorkflowTransaction code Path from area menu SAP Business Workflow (Development) AWUV Wizard for event creationDefinition workflow tools wizard object events 转载 wx638ee25dac6f7 2022-12-07 09:16:01 131阅读 ...
SE03 - Groups together most of the tools that you need for doing transports. In total,more than 20 tools can be reached from this one transaction. SE06 Set Up Workbench Organizer 设置工作台组织器 SE07 Transport System Status Display 传输系统状态显示 ...
190 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, You can create a function as below : In the Menu bar Goto - SE37 >Goto> Function Groups --> Create Group. Or SE80 --> create function group. Thank, Sri. Reply Former Member 2007 Nov 23 8:59 AM ...
SAP 常用T-code 一些常用的T-Code,供大家工作学习之便:) 以下是11个模块较常用的一些T-Code,希望对大家有所帮助! PlantMaintenance(PM) ProductionPlanning BASIS/ABAP HumanResources SalesandDistribution(SD) SAPOffice FIFinancialManagement MaterialManagement(MM) MMconfigurationtransactions ConfigRelated Plant...
sapinfo ashost=hostname sysnr=nn 我的PC是WIN2K,SAPGUI6.2,SAP安装在主机名为:horse,bull,cock的三台机器上 STEP1:在C:WINNTsystem32driversetc,编辑hosts文件,建立SAP系统APP所在机器的IP与HOSTNAME地对应。如127.0.0.1localhost STEP2:将...
PP02 Quick Entry for PD object creation PU00 Delete PA infotypes for an employee. Will not be able to delete an infotype if there is cluster data assigned to the employee. Sales and Distribution (SD) OLSD Config for SD. Use Tools-Data Transfer-Conditions to setup SAP supplied BDC to ...
Solved: Hi all, I am trying to create client(sender)proxy. 1)Created the message interfaces in the scenario,In the sproxy Tcode created the Proxy by right clicking the