Change Line ItemsFB50 Enter GL Account DocumentFBD1 Post RecurringDocumentFBD2 Change Recurring FBL3N Display Line ItemsFBRA Reset Cleared ItemsFBV0 / Delete Parked DocumentsFBV2 Change Parked DocumentsFS00 Display GL accountFS10NDisplay Account BalancesFV50 Edit or Park GL DocumentAsset ...
FST3 Display G/L account name. KEA0 Maintain operating concern. KEKE Activate CO-PA. KEKK Assign operating concern. KL04 Delete activity type. KS04 Delete a cost centre. KSH2 Change cost centre group - delete. OBR2 Deletion program for customers, vendors, G/L accounts. OKC5 Cost element...
IDCN_NR_GEN : ODN number range generation GACN_GL : Golden Audit: General Ledger (China) IDCN_ADJEDIT : Adjustment document change GACN_APAR : Golden Audit: Cust./Vendors (China) IDCNDOC : Account Document Output (China) IDCNGRIR_GNB : GR/IR Clearing for GNB (China) IDCNPLFWD : P...
Tcode for GL Account Assignment, ParkedProgram : Package : FKBHComponent : EA-FINSERV EWC4Tcode for Reconciliation of Parked Docs FMProgram : EWURA001Package : KABP_ADDONComponent : EA-PS F870Tcode for Posting a Parked RequestProgram : RFFMPSO2Package : FMFIComponent : EA-PS FMFG_EF_...
FST3 Display G/L account name. KEA0 Maintain operating concern. KEKE Activate CO-PA. KEKK Assign operating concern. KL04 Delete activity type. KS04 Delete a cost centre. KSH2 Change cost centre group - delete. OBR2 Deletion program for customers, vendors, G/L accounts. ...
The SAP TCode PC00_M03_FFOU is used for the task: Create Payroll Transfer DME 03. The TCode belongs to the PC03 package. Top SAP Tcodes Purchase Order Tcodes Cost Center Tcodes Vendor Tcodes Sales Order Tcodes Purchase Requisition Tcodes Display GL Account Tcodes Stock Tcodes Goods Re...
IDCN_ODN_CLEAR : Generation of ODN for Clearing Documents w/o Line Items IDCN_MAP_EAS : Detail Expense Accounts (Golden Audit) IDCN_ALGACCGRPT : Account Level Hierarchy: Account Levels (Text) IDCN_ALG_ASSIGN : Account Level Hierarchy: Assign Hierarchy to CC and CoA ...
The SAP TCode PTKC_REG_PAY_FED is used for the task: Federal Tax Calculator: Pay period. The TCode belongs to the PC07 package. Top SAP Tcodes Purchase Order Tcodes Cost Center Tcodes Vendor Tcodes Sales Order Tcodes Purchase Requisition Tcodes Display GL Account Tcodes Stock Tcodes Go...
FS00 Display GL account FS10N Display Account Balances FV50 Edit or Park GL Document Asset Accounting AB02 Change Asset Document AB03 Display Asset Document ABAON Asset Sale without Customer ABAVN Asset Retirement by Scrapping ABNAN Post Capitalization ...
Please try to use IDOC type ACC_GL_POSTING01. This posts to a G/L account and does an FB* transaction. Please read the documentation for this IDOC type in we63. I am sure there will be many others who will post all relevant links to IDOCS. But for a start, please look at www....