SAP WM模块的那些常用TCODE TCodeTransaction text LB01 Create Transfer Requirement LB02 Change transfer requirement LB03 Display Transfer Requirement LB10 TRs for Storage Type LB11 TRs for Material LB12 TRs and Posting Change for Mat.Doc. LB13 TRs for Requirement LI01 Create System Inventory Recor...
bin显示仓储单位 /仓位LS32 Change storage unit 修改仓储单元LS33 Display storage unit 显示仓储单位LS41 List of control cycles for WIP loc.在制(WIP)位置控制周期清单LT01 Create Transfer Order 创建转储单LT02 Create TO for Inventory Difference 创建库存差额转储单LT03 Create TO from Delivery Note按交货...
As we know it is being used in the SAP MM-PUR (Purchasing in MM) component which is coming under MM module (Material Management).MEAN is a transaction code used for Delivery Addresses in SAP.It comes under the package ME.SAP MEAN menu path...
lx26inventoryinwmviacyclecounting通过周期盘点的仓库管理中的库存lx27stocklevelsbyshelflifeexpdate根据货架寿命有效日期的库存水平lx28relevanttoitemforextsystem与外部系统有关的转储单项目 SAP操作代码T-CODE T-code: MM: MM01 - 创建物料主数据 XK01 - 创建供应商主数据 ME11 - 创建采购信息记录...
这里的移动类型也看不见 对这里人员是根据delivery note和shipping noification发货 601 销售出库 633 寄售出库(总部->分公司) 541 委外加工发货 ▲什么是Movement type ? 1.物料的移动在SAP中的反映,也可以理解为物流业务在SAP中的反映 2.移动类型可以根据物料类型的Quantity/Value属性,更新(数量(Stock)或价值(FI...
Profiles in users根据参数文件反查用户Profiles in Roles根据参数文件反查用户SAP中 su01 PFCG 和 SUIM要灵活使用。时常更新 Common role (T-CODE)和 Local role(具体权限对象)并配合用户的权限检查,以及PDM权限流程辅助来管理权限。13 欢迎下载精品文档PS常用 T-CODECJ91创建标准WBS Create Standard WBSCJ92更改...
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14,385 SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, SD (Sales and Distribution) Hi, I want to know about how to create goods issue for the delevered goods. and Tcode for that. Thanks & Regards, Naveen Kumar M SKnow the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. Answer Need more details? Reque...
SE81 - SAP Application Hierarchy SE82 - Customer Application Hierarchy SE83 - Reuse Library. Provided by Smiho Mathew SE84 - ABAP/4 Repository Information System SE85 - ABAP/4 Dictionary Information System SE86 - ABAP/4 Repository Information System ...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, SD (Sales and Distribution) Gurus I need the Tcode for deliveries awaiting PGI and how to filter it further Thanks ParthaKnow the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. Answer Need more details? Request clarification before answering. Comment Comments...