As we know it is being used in the SAP BC-DWB (ABAP Workbench, Java IDE and Infrastructure in Basis) component which is coming under BC module (BASIS).SCID is a transaction code used for Code Inspector for Specified Object in SAP. It comes under the package S_CODE_INSPECTOR.When we ...
saptcodeabapsmsysmltooot 常用的特殊TCODE 2008/10/1704:52P.M. 1、常用的特殊TCODE: /n:回到當前窗口的初始狀態 /I:退出當前窗口 /nex:結束當前登錄,退出所有窗口 /o:新建窗口 /h:啟動當前窗口業務的單步跟蹤 SM12:解鎖程序 SNUM:新建編號對象(CALLFUNCTION‘NUMBER_GET_NEXT’函數可取得最後編號) SE03...
SCI Code Inspector SRTM Runtime monitor SDCCServiceDataControlCenter(Refresh) SDCCNServiceDataControlCenter(List) SCOT SAPConnect: Administration(System Status) SPRO Execute Project SPRO_ADMIN Project Administration SCU3 IMG Logging SST0 Project Analysis ...
Applying the below ABAP code block (authority-check for object S_TCODE) where you launch a SAP transaction by using "CALL Transaction" command will produce a clear Code Inspector output. Call Transaction with Authority-Check If the above code modification does not help you solve the problem, p...
SPAU_ENH tcode in SAP BC (ABAP Workbench, Java IDE and Infrastructure in Basis) module. This transaction code is used for Object Navigator. Here is it details, technical data etc.
Abap common tcode t_codefunctionCommonABAPdocuAbap Documentation And Examplesse11dictionaryse16quick query dictionarysm30database maintainse38reportse