In this way,TCM that has a core characteristic of "personalized medicine"is closer to the aims of "precision medicine"and may actualize "precision"much easier. In order to be successful for TCM to migrate to "precision medicine",the problems to face are mostly technical issues,the first and...
现任广东省中医学会优生优育专业委员会委员、东莞市中医学会第一届疑难病专业委员会常务委员。曾参与市级课题研究,在国家级、省级刊物上发表多篇论文。曾获评东莞市医学学科骨干。 擅长领域:从事妇科临床工作二十余年,在中西医结合治疗妇科常见病、多发病和疑难杂症方面积累了丰富的经验。尤其擅长于诊治月经病和不孕症,...
It follows that innovation based on inheritance is an indispensable part of the research of the essence of the TCM theories TCM syndrome differentiation system. 关键词: treatment according to differentiation of syndromes research approach theoretical research therapeutic principles 年份: 2001 ...