The Processing of Wei Ling Xian Origin The roots and rhizomes of Clematis chinensis Osbeck, C. hexapetala Pall. or C. manshurica Rupr. of family Ranunculaceae. Location The first one is produced in the provinces of Jiangsu, Anhui and Zhejiang of China, and the last two are produced in no...
Being pungent and warm with ascending and dispersing characteristics, it can reach head and eyes with the actions of expelling wind and relieving pain. Chuan Xiong is known as the key herb for treating headache. It can be used singly or macerated in the wine, or modify due to different synd...
圣骑士露维莉亚图文攻略 | 游戏攻,全新三叶草GW4411系列鞋款发布,引领时尚潮流新风尚_康川,一仆二主演员表_全部演员人物介绍_电视剧_剧情,东西塞到屁眼里拿不出来怎么办_医联媒体|怎么办,《灭火宝贝法版免费法国满天星》-高清点播手机在线观,八重神子-旅行者创作平台-观测枢-原神wiki|八重,母乳淡绿色是什么原因|...
TCM Wiki Wuwei Xiaodu Yin 2016-09-24 Wuwei Xiaodu Yin NameAntiphlogistic Decoction of Five Drugs五味消毒饮 五味消毒飲 The Prescription of Wuwei Xiaodu Yin Source The book Yi Zong Jin Jian Ingredients Jin Yin Hua (Flos Lonicerae) 20 g, Ye Ju Hua (Flos Chrysanthemi) 15 g, Pu Gong ...
it is often combined with wind-damp-dispelling herbs and collateral-unblocking herbs. For instance, it is combined withFang Feng,Du HuoandWei Ling Xian, etc. For stubborn headache or migraine, it is often combined with wind-dispelling and pain-stopping herbs. For instance, it is combined wit...
Gui,Hong HuaandXiang Fu, etc. For traumatic injuries, and swollen and pain due to stasis, it is usually combined with stasis-dissolving analgesics such asRu XiangandMo Yao, etc. For wind-damp arthralgia, it is combined with wind-damp-dispelling herbs such asQin JiaoandWei Ling Xian, etc...
TE15/Tianliao/天髎 GB21/Jianjing/肩井 ST8/Touwei/头维 GB13/Benshen/本神 GB14/Yangbai/阳白 GB15/Toulinqi/头临泣 GB16/Muchuang/目窗 GB17/Zhengying/正营 GB18/Chengling/承灵 GB19/Naokong/脑空 GB20/Fengchi/风池 GV16/Fengfu/风府 ...
Shi Wei 1# 1# 1# Naming Shi Wei (Folium Pyrrosiae)——Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing (Shen Nong’s Herbal) 石韋 Folium Pyrrosiae 石韦 Pyrrosia Leaf The Processing of Shi Wei Origin The leaf of the perennial evergreen plant Pyrrosia sheareri (Bak.) Ching and P. Lingua (Thunb.) Farwell, or...
,Wu Wei ZiandFu Pen Ziin the formula Wu Zi Yan Zong Wan; for leukorrhagia and turbid urine due to insecurity of kidney deficiency, it is combined with kidney and spleen-tonifying, damp-dispelling, and leukorrhagia-stopping herbs, for instance, it is used withLian Zi,Qian ShiandFu Ling...