Gua Lou Renis moist in property and can moisten dryness with laxation to relax bowel. So it is indicated for constipation due to dryness of intestine. It is usually combined with intestine-moistening and bowel-relaxing herbs such asHuo Ma Ren,Yu Li RenandJue Ming Zi, etc. Dosage and Admin...
TCM Wiki Zaoci San 2016-09-24 Zaoci San Name 皂刺散 The Prescription of Zaoci SanSourceThe book Ren Zhai Zhi ZhiIngredientsZao Jiao Ci Gua Lou Wu Ling Zhi ExplanationZao Jiao Ci: Counteracting toxic pathogen, expelling wind, resolving swelling and expelling pus....
Decoction of Immature Bitter Orange, Macrostem Onion and Cinnamon Twigs 枳实薤白桂枝汤 枳實薤白桂枝湯 The Prescription of Zhishi Xiebai Guizhi Tang Source The book Jin Gui Yao Lue Ingredients Zhi Shi(Fructus Aurantii Immaturus) 12 g, Hou Po(Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis) 12 g, Gua Lou(Fructus ...
Tian Hua Fen (Radix Trichosanthis) ——Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing (Shen Nong’s Herbal) 天花粉 Radix Trichosanthis Mongolian Snakegourd Root 瓜蒌根 Gua Lou Gen 栝楼根 栝樓根 瓜蔞根 The Processing of Tian Hua Fen Origin The root tuber of perennial herb Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim. Location Mai...
1# Name Chong Lou (Rhizoma Paridis) 七叶一枝花 蚤休 Rhizoma Paridis 重樓 七葉壹枝花 重楼 Chinese Paris Rhizome The Effect of Chong Lou Property Bitter, slightly cold; slightly toxic; liver meridian entered. Actions Clear heat and remove toxicity; relieve swelling and pain; cool liver and stop...
(Records of Syndrome Differentiation). For mammary abscess with swelling pain, it is often combined with toxicity-removing and ab-scess-curing herbs,and blood-activating and nodulation-dissipating herbs which mainly enter lung and stomach meridians, such as Pu Gong Ying andGua Louin Xiao Ru Tang...
it is usually combined withGua Lou,Ju YeandSi Gua Luo. For swelling and pain due to acute mastitis, it is usually combined with the herbs for clearing heat and relieving toxicity, moving qi and dissipating nodulation. For instance it is used in Gua Lou Niu Bang Tang in Yi Zong Jin Jian...
Gua Lou Ren,Xing Renin Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan from Yi Fang Kao (Research on Medical Prescription). Being good at clearing half-exterior and half-interior heat, it is commonly combined withChai Huto harmonize shaoyang by dispersing shaoyang pathogen. Thercfore, it is a commonly-used herb for ...
Gua Lou,Ban Xiain Xiao Xian Xiong Tang from Wen Bing Tiao Bian. For chest pain and stuffiness, and cough with profuse sputum, it is usually combined with the damp-drying and phlegm-resolving herbs, and qi-moving and nodulation-dissipating herbs. For instance it is combined withBan Xia,...
activating, menstruation-regulating and pain-alleviating herbs such asDang Gui,Chuan Xiong,Bai ShaoandYan Hu Suo. For distending pain or mass in breast due to liver depression and qi stagnation, it should be combined with the qi-moving and nodulation-dissipating herbs such asQing Pi,Gua Louand...