Additionally, it soothes and relax the nerves, aids with digestion, and promotes the body's own healing processes. Organ energy imbalances caused by blockages or interference in meridian pathways may contribute to negative health conditions. Acupuncture stimulates points in the meridians, which un...
Balance Your Emotions, Heal Your Body: TCM’s Guide to Organ Health April 3, 2024 Get Your Energy Back: Unlocking the Secret of Your Body’s Clock April 3, 2024 70% Full Principle – Keep Fit the TCM way April 3, 2024 Ear Seeds Ear Seeds P. Sze December 4, 2024 Reveal...
The kidney is the most powerful organ in the human body. Everyone leaks the kidney jing, and because of the disturbances by the deficient spleen, some people have uncontrollable behaviour. It takes a lot for people to caliberate the jing within them. The odd thing that strikes me is, Singap...
There are 12 main meridians carrying energy in the human body. As TCM theory suggests, a different meridian “turns on” every two hours. Extra blood and energy flow to the meridian at this time to keep it active, making it the best time for the organ related to it to dispel toxins. ...
In TCM diagnosis, this hyperactive fire caused by yin deficiency is very common. And what causes a Yin deficiency? Specifically, it’s an imbalance in the Kidney organ system. The Kidneys are similar to your car’s radiator, in that they store your body’s cooling fluids. (It’s a subje...
Q6: How to protect patients who are particularly vulnerable patients, such as organ transplant recipients and cancer patients? Is it recommended that cancer treatments be paused until the situation has stabilized? Early diagnosis, treatment and isolation should be carried out whenever possible. For pat...