Tcl_Main, Tcl_SetMainLoop - main program and event loop definition for Tcl-based applicationsSYNOPSIS #include <tcl.h> Tcl_Main(argc, argv, appInitProc) Tcl_SetMainLoop(mainLoopProc)ARGUMENTS int argc (in) Number of elements in argv. char *argv[] (in) Array of strings containing command-...
self.updateStructures()# remove all active effects (so that when selected again slice rotation and snap to IJK will happen if neededtcl('::EffectSWidget::RemoveAll')# trigger a modified event on the parameter node so that other parts of the GUI# (such as the EditColor) will know to upda...
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本吧热帖: 1-tcl电视吧吧主招募结果公示 2-[公告]关于撤销 一只凶的加菲猫 吧主管理权限的说明 3-【机友咨询】惊艳,TCL电视屏保大变身 4-TCL75寸电视75T7K只要3599?了!历史新低! 5-【哇塞】TCL电视至高2000活动卷,入手前记得领 6-一觉醒来, 85寸T7K价格爆了? 7-【双11
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Set up width and height tcl tk main window,itk_optionaddhull.widthhull.height$itk_component(hull)configure-width1050-height868wmminsize[winfotoplevel$itk_component(hull)]1050868packpropagate$itk_interior0
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本吧热帖: 1-TCL电视虚假宣传,能效补贴随便改, 2-【双11狂欢】观看效果很好的tcl电视机活动推荐 3-TCL家电最新超大无门槛通用卷来了,需要的领 4-TCL最新优惠至高1000劵,有需要去看一下! 5-刚过两年就出故障 6-兄弟们,狗东大跳水 7-请问一下! 8-TCI电视质量以及售后宇