"言语间对于TCL 85吋 X9 QLED TV显然十分满意。 此外,针对当前8K内容短缺问题,TCL 85吋 X9 QLED TV搭载了TCL独家研发的超级画质提升算法,将720P、1080P和4K等低分辨率信号,通过多种算法优化,呈现出8K效果,直击市场痛点。 所谓百炼方成钢,TCL电视能取得如今的超然地位,得益于其敏锐的市场洞察力和高效的执行力,还...
2.2 智能功能 (Smart Features) TCL电视搭载了多种智能系统,如Android TV和Roku TV,用户可以轻松访问各种流媒体应用,如Netflix、YouTube等。此外,TCL还支持语音控制功能,用户可以通过语音指令来操作电视,提升了使用的便捷性。 2.3 音质表现 (Sound Quality) TCL电视的音质同样不容忽视,许多型号配备了杜比音效和DTS音...
对于喜欢观看高清电影和游戏的用户来说,TCL电视的画质表现是相当令人满意的。 二、音质表现 (Sound Quality Performance) 除了画质,音质同样是电视的重要组成部分。TCL在音质方面也下了不少功夫。 许多TCL电视都配备了杜比音效和DTS音效技术,这些技术能够提供更加立体和清晰的音效体验。无论是观看电影还是听音乐,TCL电视...
TCL X9的屏幕分辨率达到了3318万像素的8K,清晰度是目前主流4K的4倍。从下面的8K和4K的对比测试可以看出,播放同样的内容,4K电视机如果离近了看,画面有明显的像素点,而8K分辨率的TCL 85吋 X9 QLED TV无论离多近,画面仍然清晰可辨,没有任何模糊和像素点出现,用户在客厅就尽情享受到超大屏电视带来的体验快乐。 8K...
Already one of the World's best-selling TV brands, TCL (The Creative Life) is now one of the fastest growing consumer electronics brands in North America. Founded over 30 years ago, TCL prides itself on delivering more to consumers with high quality prod
Superior Sound Quality Dolby Atmos and DTS Virtual:X are integral features of the audio experience provided by this TV, taking sound quality to new heights. These advanced technologies offer an immersive, three-dimensional sound experience using just the TV speakers. Dolby Atmos moves so...
It raises the screen enough to place a soundbar in front without blocking the screen. The 85-inch version has a different stand, with two T-shaped feet at the very end of the TV, similar to the one on the TCL R745 QLED. Footprint of the 65 inch TV: 43.5" x 12.6" x 2" to ...
Superior Sound Quality Dolby Atmos and DTS Virtual:X are integral features of the audio experience provided by this TV, taking sound quality to new heights. These advanced technologies offer an immersive, three-dimensional sound experience using just the TV speakers. Dolby Atmos moves so...
relatively noisy, it is still a little difficult to clearly identify the sound quality of the TV...
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