The TCL 6 Series 2018 is a very good 4k TV for a wide range of usages. It has good dark scene performance due to the full-array local dimming and high native contrast so blacks appear deep even in a dark room. It's also great for HDR, as it has great brightness. Although it can...
so their platform contained in a TV is always welcome. When you stop to think about it a second, the Roku 3 or Roku Premier Box would cost you $75, and you get the same performance with this TV, so it's a great savings
近日,全球知名的科技和消费电子媒体CNET发起的Best TVs for 2018(2018最佳电视)评选中,TCL电视产品“P series Roku TV”,以8.6分超高分名列前茅。CNET网站以即时、准确、权威闻名,能够征服众多目光挑剔的评审和消费者,印证了TCL电视产品扎实的创新科技实力和引领行业的优质产品力。中国智造产品在评选异常苛刻的CNET中...
附rtings测评链接:Vizio P Series 2018 Review (P55-F1, P65-F1, P75-F1)
TCL plays a huge role in the consumer electronics space, most prominently in the TV and home theater space. Beyond your living room, you'd likely be surprised to know TCL also makes phones, tablets, and a variety of home appliances. 9
当地时间8月30日,IFA开展前夕,TCL在2018秋季新品发布会上正式面向全球消费者推出了多款新品,包括8K QLED TV 2019年国际篮联(FIBA)篮球世界杯官方指定电视、X8 QLED TV、C7曲面全面屏电视、XESS浮窗全场景TV(Living Window)。其中,8K QLED TV、X8 QLED TV以其卓尔不群的视听感观与超越时代的技术含量,吸引...
2018年上半年由于世界杯带动,大幅增长了8.1%,三季度开始增幅收窄,仅增长了3.8%,四季度微幅下降0.6%。整体来看,2018年全球TV市场呈现出高开低走的局面。 从总的情况来看,2018年同比微增4.3%,分厂商来看,外资品牌出货数量下降,但是总面积增长,说明出货量平均尺寸增长,中国品牌海外出货量大幅增长。另外,中国也成为了...
This TV has a great response time. There's some overshoot in the darker transitions, but overall, there's minimal blur trail behind fast-moving objects. This is a big improvement over the TCL S Series/S405 4k 2018. LEARN ABOUT RESPONSE TIME 4.0 Flicker-Free Flicker-Free No PWM Dimm...
安桥音响、杜比声效等都让人大开眼界。这一次,TCL在IFA展上向来自世界各地的朋友们展示了各种各样造型各异,功能丰富的电视产品。其中有三款新品成功吸引到极果君的注意,尤其是8月16日在国内首发的XESS浮窗全场景TV“Living Window”!外表仙气十足,静态美,动态更美!讲真,在此之前,极果君都没想到,会有人...
here is current, nothing else has been updated. New Roku software additions such asFeatured FreeandGoogle Assistantaren't mentioned and the comparisons all refer to older TVs. If you're curious how the 55S405 compares to 2018 models, check out the Vizio E and TCL 5 series reviews linked ...