When this first happend, I entertained sending the phone in for service/repair as it seemed like a hardware issue. TCL was no help at all as their Tech Support was under the impression that it was an issue that needed to be resolved by sending it in. They wanted me to send my phone...
休闲益智 | 创新品类 电脑版 贪吃龙王 休闲益智 | 创新品类 电脑版 贪食蛇大作战 街机 0.0 扫一扫下载 饥饿鲨:世界 休闲益智 | 动物模拟 | 生存 | 饥饿鲨 3.6 扫一扫下载 疯狂贪吃鱼 休闲益智 | 烧脑 电脑版 贪吃蛇 休闲益智 | io | 贪吃蛇 1.9 ...
When this first happend, I entertained sending the phone in for service/repair as it seemed like a hardware issue. TCL was no help at all as their Tech Support was under the impression that it was an issue that needed to be resolved by sending it in. They wanted me to send my phone...