DOWN Moves the highlight down one item. Changes channel down while watching TV. LEFT Moves the highlight left, if possible (if a < hint appears). When watching TV, ...
puts [array size names] We create anamesarray. We use theunsetcommand to remove items from the array. We check the size of the array before and after we remove the two items. set names(1) Jane Thesetcommand is used to create an item in the array. unset names(1) We use theunsetco...
Remove a locked from a file that was previously placed with the flock command. The arguments are the same as for the flock command, see that command for more details. The funlock command is not available on Windows 95. It is available on Windows NT. fstat fileId ?item? | ?stat array...
The Tcl Core. (Mirror of . Contribute to tcltk/tcl development by creating an account on GitHub.
From here, you can explore everything your TV has to offer. Press the arrow keys to move around, and press OK to select a highlighted item. We've designed the TV to encourage you to explore, and you can probably figure out most of the capabilities 30 and settings on your own. If ...
linsert$List n item...— 在列表中的指定位置上插入一项或多项,向下移列表中的其它项。 其余列表命令还包括lreplace、lsearch和lsort。split命令将字符串作为输入并生成经过正确解析的列表,并且在指定的字符处断开字符串。join执行相反操作,接受列表元素并将它们串在一起,用joinstring分隔它们。
several of them are accessible from the list beginning, since the "tmp" member of struct state (which is used here to hold a pointer to the next list item) gets overwritten, which results in a "looped" chain. As a result, not all of states are splitted, and one state is ...
set item [::tcl::OptCurDesc $desc] set name [::tcl::OptName $item] switch -exact -- $name { -accessPath { return [list -accessPath $state(access_path)] } -statics { return [list -statics $state(staticsok)] } -nested { return [list -nested $state(nestedok)] } -deleteHook ...
; # Output will have separate elements, first index will be WHOLE original list lreplace <$list> <#start_index> <#end_index> <item1> <item2> <item3>...; # replace items between start and end indexes with item1, item2 ... lsearch...
ItemPointerEquals(&prodesc->fn_tid, &procTup->t_self)) { @@ -1452,36 +1471,85 @@ compile_pltcl_function(Oid fn_oid, Oid tgreloid, * Then we load the procedure into the Tcl interpreter. ***/ Tcl_DStringInit(&proc_internal_def); + Tcl_DStringInit(&proc_internal_name); Tcl_...