85C645 C64 Serie Produkt-Informationsblatt ·TCL QLED ·4K HDR PRO ·Motion Clarity ·Multi HDR Format ·Game Master ·HDMI 2.1 ALLM ·Dolby Atmos ·Google TV ·Hey Google ·Google Meet ·Kompatibel mit Alexa ·Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+. ...
TCL C645 QLED 智能電視, AIPQ Engine 3.0, Dolby Vision Product Description 產品功能 4K QLED 量子點 WCG 廣色域 120Hz DLG 支援Dolby Vision & Dolby Atmos Google Duo HDMI 2.1 Google TV 產品規格 43" 50" 55" 65" Warranty Info Distributor offers 3-year Hong Kong local warranty service. ...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WrxGM1iCdU諗緊買邊款4K QLED電視?睇完推薦都唔知邊隻好?我哋今次推薦TCL 4K QLED電視 C645 同 4K 超高清P745兩款抵玩之作!實行同大家詳細講解TCL電視評價!一部係 4K QLED,一部係 LED,我哋仲會試埋用唔同嘅距離去睇 65 吋 4K 電視,
TCLhas launched new QLED televisions in India. The new range is the TCL C645 4K QLED TV models. They arrive as the successor to the last year’s C635 lineup. The new C645 4K QLED TV range come in five models with all of them packing the same specifications and features apart from d...
TCL C645 QLED 智能電視, AIPQ Engine 3.0, Dolby Vision Product Description 產品功能 4K QLED 量子點 WCG 廣色域 120Hz DLG 支援Dolby Vision & Dolby Atmos Google Duo HDMI 2.1 Google TV 產品規格 43" 50" 55" 65" Warranty Info Distributor offers 3-year Hong Kong local warranty service. ...