if { "$thePlatform" == "mac" || "$thePlatform" == "ios" } { @@ -406,9 +413,21 @@ proc genprojbat {theFormat thePlatform} { file mkdir "$::path/${aPlatformAndCompiler}/lib" file mkdir "$::path/${aPlatformAndCompiler}/libd" } "xcd" { file copy -force -- "$::THE_...
# Create directories, might not exist. file mkdir $dstl file mkdir $dsta set prefix \n foreach item $packages { # Package: /name/ if {[llength $item] == 3} { foreach {dir vfile name} $item break } elseif {[llength $item] == 1} { ...
if {![info exists ::tcltest::testConstraints($what)]} { set ::tcltest::testConstraints($what) 0 } if {![set ::tcltest::testConstraints($what)]} { skiptest " (constraint $what)" } return } if {$type eq "cmd"} { ...
and \fBmkdir\fR available .TP \fIhasIsoLocale\fR test can only be run if can switch to an ISO locale .TP \fIroot\fR test can only run if Unix user is root .TP \fInotRoot\fR test can only run if Unix user is not root .TP \fIeformat\fR test can only run if app has a wor...
file mkdir file mtime file nativename file normalize file owned file readable file readlink file rename file rootname file separator file size file system file type file volumes file writable glob :制約付きの Cisco ディレクトリの 1 つで検索する場合、glob コマ...
file mkdir file mtime file nativename file normalize file owned file readable file readlink file rename file rootname file separator file size file system file type file volumes file writable glob --The glob command is not permitted wh...
file mkdir dir ?dir ...? file mtime name ?time? file nativename name file normalize name file owned name file pathtype name file readable name file readlink name file rename ?-force? ?--? source target file rename ?-force? ?--? source ?source ...? targetDir ...
这个命令和 UNIX 的 mkdir 命令类似,创建 dir 中指明的目录.如果 dir 已经存在,这个命令不作任何事情,也不返回错误.不过如果试图用一个目录覆盖已经存 在的一个文件会导致错误.这个命令顺序处理各个参数,如果发生错误的话,马上退出. file mtime name 返回十进制的字符串,表示文件 name 最后被修改的时间.时间是以...
# Create the output directory if it does not existfile mkdir $output_dir # Generate the SOF fileset sof_path $output_dir/$sof_fileexecute_module -tool asm_sof -outdir $output_dir -file $sof_path # Launch the programmer windowlaunch_programmer -hardware_name "USB-Bla...
Generating a TCL directory only if it is not present /usr/bin/env expect set path dir1/dir2/dir3 file mkdir $path ;# [file mkdir] in Tcl is like mkdir -p, Is there a possibility to add the list of files to a TCL list and check the existence, [file exists $f]} { return fal...