可以通过 tcl_platform(threaded) 元素是否存在测试特定的 Tcl 解释器是否启用了线程检查:该元素在启用线程的解释器中存在并包含布尔真值,而在没有线程支持的解释器中不存在 Using Extensions in Multi-Threaded Scripts 因为每个解释器都有自己的一组变量和过程,所以必须将扩展显式加载到要使用它的每个线程中。 只有 Thr...
TCL Scripts for eggdrops 5followers The UnderNET IRC Network | Server: irc.undernet.org | Channel: /join #TCL-HELP http://www.tclscripts.net info@tclscripts.net Popular repositoriesLoading BlackTools-TCLBlackTools-TCLPublic One TCL. One smart eggdrop. ...
My Scripts to Date BogusTrivia version the Ultimate Trivia Script. Released On 08-14-14. Originally designed to mimic the popular mirc trivia used in most IRC channels, it includes advanced user stats, tracking by nick, handle or username@host, error correction, flood control, pres...
(1) OL-4612-03 Chapter 10 Using TCL Scripts with the CSM Standalone Scripts Persistent Variables --- x = 11 Last erroInfo = Last errorCode = Last panicInfo = EXIT_MSG = ping failed : invalid command name "ping" The last exit status displays the exit code number (as shown in Table...
“info commands *_GetName*” into the command window. Entering a database command into the command window will return an error message without the appropriate arguments; for_GetName, the function takes (in order) two arguments of the object and the return name. When writing Tcl/Tk scripts,...
And in my experience, cd is usually best avoided in scripts, especially if you want them to be at all reusable, as it changes the absolute meaning of all relative filenames. Share Improve this answer Follow answered Jun 7, 2018 at 13:44 Donal FellowsDonal Fellows 137k...
脚本,执行: write_project_tcl {.../Scripts/s1_recreate_project.tcl} 依次生成bd文件的tcl脚本,比如工程中有两个bd文件aa.bd和bb.bd,打开aa.bd,并执行: write_bd_tcl {.../Scripts/s2_aa_bd.tcl} 打开bb.bd,并执行: write_bd_tcl {. 1.8K10 2021-05-02:给定一个文件目录的路...
Error that i get - C:\Python27\MyScripts>python tcl_py.py Traceback (most recent call last): File"tcl_py.py", line5,in<module> r.tk.eval('source Stc_1.tcl') _tkinter.TclError: can't find package SpirentTestCenter based on the need, there are multiple ways you can use subprocess...
info library Returns the name of the library directory in which standard Tcl scripts are stored. This is actually the value of the tcl_library variable and may be changed by setting tcl_library. See the tclvars manual entry for more information. ...
但是,我有许多脚本是直接从TCL中的RUNPY命令运行的。我可以从一个新目录调用我的脚本,比如PYSCRIPTS,但这意味着如果我有一个调用RUNPY的bash或TCL脚本,我现在必须显式地调用我从哪个目录调用它: RUNPY PYSCRIPTS te 浏览5提问于2020-02-17得票数 0 回答已采纳...