} #tputs "*** systerm date is [gettime] ***"、 备注:通过修改format函数中的" % 04x"用来产生4位十六进制数或8位十六进制数。这里i为十进制,转换为十六进制a,再递增i.即十六进制从0x2980递增到0x29ff. 参考:https://blog.csdn.net/tomorrowwang/article/details/2099772...
set members [get_all_global_assignments -name TIMEGROUP_MEMBER -section_id $pattern] # 如果集合中有任何成员, # 表明模式是时序组 if { 0 < [get_collection_size $members]} { # 如果有异常,将发出警告,因为脚本 # 会跳过异常 if {0 < [get_collection_size [get_all_global_assignments -n...
set colours [dict create colour3 black colour4 white] puts [dict get $colours colour3];#输出black 字典中的所有键 set colours [dict create colour3 black colour4 white] set keys [dict keys $colours] puts $keys;#输出colour3 colour4 字典中的所有值 set colours [dict create colour3 black co...
# and the current time. proc generateQarName { project revision } { # time_format_string controls how the qar is named. # These values give the value month_dd_yyyy-hh.mm.ss. # For example, Jan_28_2004-13.00.05 set time_format_string "%b_%d_%Y-%H_%M_%S" set time_value [clock...
read_checkpoint 还提供了选项 -reuse_objects 和 -fix_objects, 两者的值都可以是由 get_cells 、 get_clock_regions 或 get_slrs 所获取的对象 , 而 -fix_objects 的值还可以是 current_design。 -reuse_objects用于指明哪些对象被复用。 -fix_objects用于指明哪些对象的位置和布线信息被固定,这意味着这些对象...
get_cells I_IN/*_reg* 有返回值,说明是存在有不被移动的寄存器的。 -->通过下面的命令: report_timing -from I_MIDDLE/I_PIPELINE/z_reg*/* 可以知道PIPELINE模块是寄存输出的(因为有返回报告值) 优化的实战部分都这里就结束了,最后,DC的优化命令有很多,不懂的可以通过man命令查看。最后感叹一下,总共码了...
tcltk/tclPublic Notifications Fork179 Star626 Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History History
exec echo "[TIMER::get_runtime]" >> [index_file $::env(LOG_DIR)/placement/diodes_runtime.txt 0] if { $::env(LEC_ENABLE) } { logic_equiv_check -rhs $::env(PREV_NETLIST) -lhs $::env(CURRENT_NETLIST) } } proc apply_route_obs {args} { puts_info "Adding routing obstr...
It features Mini LED backlighting that allows the screen to get bright and is meant to provide greater control over the local dimming zones. It has most advanced features people are looking for in a high-end TV in 2020, like a 120Hz panel and variable refresh rate (VRR) support, but ...
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