DML, DDL, TCL and DQL and it’s subtypes. We’ve gone through each command in detail with its syntax and example that will assist you in writing queries. The SQL commands’ allows you to construct and manipulate a wide range of database objects with the different commands. After going th...
The list of subcommands for string command is listed in the following table −Sr.No.Methods & Description 1 compare string1 string2 Compares string1 and string2 lexographically. Returns 0 if equal, -1 if string1 comes before string2, else 1. 2 first string1 string2 Returns the index ...
Question: I would like to understand the basics of how to write and execute Tcl program on UNIX / Linux OS. Can you explain it with a simple example? Answer: In this article, let us review very quickly how to write a basic Hello World Tcl program and execute tcl program on Linux or ...
With the help of DML commands, we can insert, delete, and change the data inside the database. Find more about DML Command in SQL: DML Command in SQL. INSERT Command in SQL SQL Insert command is helpful to insert the data into a table. 1) All the column names are mentioned in the...