Convert a collection to a list#tclsh 8.6 # Convert a collection into a list proc collection_to_list {a_collection} { set my_list {} foreach_in_collection item $a_collection { lappend my_list [get_object_name $item] } return $my_list }...
n, a, BOPAlgo_CUT);}Standard_Integer bsmt (Draw_Interpretor& di,Standard_Integer n,constchar** a,constBOPAlgo_Operation aOp){TopoDS_Shape aS1, aS2;TopTools_ListOfShape aLC;//if(n !=4) {di <<" use bx r s1 s2\n";return0;}//aS1...
Tcl - Lists - List is one of the basic data-type available in Tcl. It is used for representing an ordered collection of items. It can include different types of items in the same list. Further, a list can contain another list.
4.建议用数字、字母、下划线;同时开头用字母 5.常用变量类型: string ; list ; directionary 新思还有专门的collection 6.变量存储类型:字符串表达形式;内部表达形式(整数,实数,名称,列表,tcl脚本) 4.1 string 命令 4.2、 变量值list 创建list的三种方法 1、 set list_a "fio0 fio1 fio2" 2、 set list_a ...
2. Tcl数据类型之list 3. Tcl数据类型之array 4. Synopsys数据类型之collection 三、表达式计算 四、文件操作 1. file and grop 2. open、close and flush 3. gets and puts 4. 乱序文件访问——seek、tell 与 eof 五、创建procedure 六、其它常用命令 1. source 2. $env 3. append 往期内容: 版权声明...
Remove_from_collection [all_inputs] [get_ports "Clk1 Clk2"] ④路径3(寄存器到输出端口)的约束: 在了解了路径1的约束直接之后,路径3的约束就变得容易理解了,路径3与外部输出电路的的电路图如下所示: clk时钟上升沿通过内部电路的寄存器FF2发送数据经要综合的电路S,到达输出端口B,在下一个时钟的上升沿被到...
Expert Collections are analyst-curated lists that highlight the companies you need to know in the most important technology spaces. TCL Huaxing is included in 1 Expert Collection, including Semiconductors, Chips, and Advanced Electronics. S Semiconductors, Chips, and Advanced Electronics 7,283 items ...
Note: setting tcl_precision to 17 on a machine that uses IEEE floating point will guarantee that string conversions do not lose information (e.g. when an expression is converted to string and then used in a numeric calculation later). List A list is an ordered collection of elements (...
Refers to a number of command-line arguments. 2 argv Refers to the list containing the command-line arguments. 3 argv0 Refers to the file name of the file being interpreted or the name by which we invoke the script. 4 env Used for representing the array of elements that are environmental...
filter_collection [get_cells *] “ref_name AN*” get_cells * -filter “dontjouch == true” get_clocks * -filter “period < 10” 列出所有单元属性并将输出重定向到文件: # List all cell attributes and redirect output to a file