packed or as well-built as their more expensive options, our TCL TV reviews prove that they typically offer great value compared to similarly priced options from other manufacturers. If you need advanced features and a TV with a good smart system, you'll be happy with most of their ...
Already one of the World's best-selling TV brands, TCL (The Creative Life) is now one of the fastest growing consumer electronics brands in North America. Founded over 30 years ago, TCL prides itself on delivering more to consumers with high quality prod
首先肯定是电视。CES 开幕前,锋潮科技在美国 Best Buy 和 Costco 等卖场发现,55 英寸和 65 英寸的 TCL 电视因为品质和价格上的优势,迅速在北美市场打开了销售渠道,使 TCL 在北美市场的占有率不断上升。 在北美地区占据一定市场份额之后,TCL 的发展路线图也很清晰,下一步自然就是利用高端系列产品提升品牌价值和溢...
Already one of the World's best-selling TV brands, TCL (The Creative Life) is now one of the fastest growing consumer electronics brands in North America. Founded over 30 years ago, TCL prides itself on delivering more to consumers with high quality prod
在一年一度美国拉斯维加斯举办的消费电子饕餮盛宴上,一场“This is SMART TV”全球新闻发布会座无虚席,在万人的会场中,美国观众正在为一台“平面7.9毫米、曲面6.9毫米的最薄量子点电视”为之惊叹,而这台电视正是TCL专为北美消费者打造的电视高端品牌XESS 创逸。这款产品拥有的最新极薄技术一举斩获了2017年美国CES...
71、022 年公司年公司 TV 出货量或零售量份额位列各国行业前列出货量或零售量份额位列各国行业前列 资料来源:公司公告 北美市场绑定北美市场绑定 Ruku 和和 Google,持续提升品牌影响力,线下渠道开拓完善。,持续提升品牌影响力,线下渠道开拓完善。2011年至今公司先后进驻美国亚马逊、沃尔玛、Costco、Sams Club、Target、Be...
this Vizio is a certified beast. As we said in our review: "At that price, it's an incredible value and the best overall high-performance TV -- if you can't afford an OLED."The Costco sale on this TV runs through Cyber Monday.Check out Costco's other Cyber Monday dealsRead our ...