TCL提供了string first命令用于查找子字符串的位置,如下所示: set myString "Hello, TCL!" set pos [string first "TCL" myString] puts "Position:pos" 运行以上代码将输出"Position: 7",因为"Hello, TCL!"中的"TCL"出现在索引位置7处。 如果我们需要替换字符串中的某个子字符串,可以使用string replace...
first? ?last? 将指定范围的字符转化为大写形式。 string trim str ?chars? 从str 两端删除 chars 中指定的字符。chars 默认为空字符。 string trimleft str ?chars? 从str 开头删除 chars 中指定的字符。chars 默认为空字符。 string trimright str ?chars? 从str 结尾删除 chars 中指定的字符。chars 默认...
1 ... 如果string1大于string2 string firststring1string2——返回string1开始第一个匹配 的字符的索引,string2如果没有匹配,则返回 -1 string laststring1string2——返回string1开始最后一个匹配的字符的索引,string2如果没有匹配,则返回 -1 string wordendstringindex——返回包含index'th 个字符的单词中最后...
string first searchString sourceString ?startindex? 从字符串sourceString中查找searchString。如果找到了,则返回找到的第一个searchString第一个字符在sourceString中的索引,如果未找到,则返回-1。如果指定了startindex,则从指定索引处开始查找。startindex可以是string index支持的任何形式的索引。 last string last se...
set replaced [string replace str [string first oldStr str] [string last oldStr str] newStr] puts replaced 在上面的示例中,我们首先定义了一个变量`oldStr`,存储了要替换的子字符串"Hello"。然后,我们定义了一个变量`newStr`,存储了替换后的字符串"Goodbye"。接下来,我们使用string first和string last命...
The first string is located at index 0. Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure. top GetStringLen # index is an integer set retInt [CkStringArray_GetStringLen $index]Returns Nth string's length, in characters. The first string is located at index 0. top ...
then matching is done without regard to case differences. Both key and value may be multiple characters. Replacement is done in an ordered manner, so the key appearing first in the list will be checked first, and so on. string is only iterated over once, so earlier key replacements will ...
[lindex $someList 3] % set someList {first second third fourth} first second third fourth % subst $new first second ... fourth Share Improve this answer Follow answered Nov 14, 2014 at 23:18 glenn jackman 245k4141 gold badges224224 silver badges356356 bronze badges Add a comment...
The best thing is to then assume you've only got ASCII support available (a good lowest common denominator) and quote everything else as a separate step to the quoting described in the first paragraph. To quote, convert every Unicode character from U+00080 up to an escape sequence of the...
cnt = pFirst->base.count;while( cnt>sizeof(zSpaces)-1){Tcl_DStringAppend(str, zSpaces,sizeof(zSpaces)-1); cnt -=sizeof(zSpaces)-1; }if( cnt>0){Tcl_DStringAppend(str, zSpaces, cnt); } }break; }default:/* Do nothing */break; ...