Tchibo Merchandising Hong Kong LP is a sourcing, procurement and quality service company of Tchibo GmbH, Germany for consumer goods and apparel covering the Asia region. Tchibo Merchandising Hong Kong LP provides sourcing, procurement and quality services and covers a wide range of non-food products...
Coffee Service: 咖啡服务:führend im europäischen Außer-Haus-Markt欧洲领导人外的国内市场 Für Rückfragen: 咨询:Arnd Liedtke, Tchibo GmbH, Director Corporate Communications阿恩德利特克,沏宝公司企业传讯部董事 Überseering 18, 22297 Hamburg, Tel: (0 40) 63 87-28 ...
Tchibo: a wind of change. (Tchibo, Frisch-Rost-Kaffee GmbH sees price of coffee soar due to shortage in conjunction with worldwide demand and plans its strategy)Korner, Manfred
Germany: Eduscho and Tchibo approach vacuum-packs. (Tchibo Frisch-Rost-Kaffee GmbH; marketing of vacuum-packed ground coffee to increase sales) (Company Profile)Mehta, Manik