The quality of the card stock and printing tends to be noticeably poorer than usual sets, just in case this matters to you. In terms of value and rarity I seem to remember the holo Pikachu was the most sought after in last years promo. 1 Indy @ S.E. Members 4.5k Posted August...
Cards are listed by set, and each card will either be a [RULING] or [ERRATUM], with the latter displaying a previous text followed by the updated version. Many cards with Errata have had Most Recent Printing (MRP) versions with corrected text – those versions will be noted alongside ...
Factory Directly High Speed Memory Card 256gLogo Printing TF 深圳市立得实业有限公司 1年 回头率: 0% 广东 深圳市福田区 ¥10.50 memory card 16gb 32gb 64gb 128gb camera card tf card 深圳市渝呈龙科技有限公司 3年 回头率: 33.3% 广东 深圳市 ¥42.00 成交90条 DDR3台式电脑内存条...
Paper Type (纸张类型): Art Paper, Cardboard, Coated Paper, Duplex Board, Offset Paper (双面铜板纸、单面铜板纸、灰板纸、亚粉纸、特种艺术纸) Product Type (产品类型): Calendar (日历、月历) Color Printing (印刷要求): Pantone colors(PMS) or common 4 colors (CMYK)ocess Size (产品规格尺寸...
4. Wood:wood mattress, wood furniture, wood pallet, scrap timber, sawdust chipboard, composite board, wooden door, forklift pallet, wood board, wood template, wooden case, wooden box, wood sofa, wood bed, etc. 5. Paper:scrap paper and cartons, ...
Paper Type (纸张类型) : Art Paper, Cardboard, Coated Paper, Duplex Board, Offset Paper (双面铜板纸、单面铜板纸、灰板纸、亚粉纸、特种艺术纸) Product Type (产品类型) : Calendar (台历、月历、挂历) Color Printing (印刷要求) : Pantone colors(PMS) or common 4 colors (CMYK)ocess Size (产品...