TFH cells depend on Tcf1-intrinsic HDAC activity to suppress CTLA4 and guard B-cell help function. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 118, e2014562118 (2021). This work reveals that in immunization-elicited TFH cells, TCF1 is not required for BCL-6 induction, but is essential for restraining ...
Using a mouse model of GVHD and GVL following allo-HSCT, we were able to study all of the major T cell functions, as well as phenotype, clinical outcomes, and gene expression, in a single model. In this model, we transplanted CD8 T cells from either WT or TCF-1 cKO mice into irrad...
Follicular helper T cells (TFH cells) differentiate from naive T cells, but the picture of this differentiation process remains incomplete. Two studies now identify the related transcriptional regulators TCF-1 and LEF-1 as important early participants in this process....
(ref.13) that support such differentiation. Among those, Bcl6 function is absolutely critical. TFHdifferentiation is completely abrogated inBcl6−/−CD4+T cells6,7,8, and ectopicBcl6expression in CD4+T cells leads to augmented TFHdifferentiation6,9. Various signaling molecules have been ...
The transcription factor TCF-1, encoded by Tcf7, is critical in the development of both memory T cells and Tfh cells following viral infections. However, the role of TCF-1 in Trh cell development has not been investigated. Utilizing a Tcf7 fl/flCD4 Creconditional knockout mouse model in ...
for B cell–mediated immunity.In contrast,the transcription factor Blimp1(encoded by Prdm1)inhibits TFH differentiation by antagonizing Bcl-6.Here we found that the transcription factor TCF-1 was essential for both the initiation of TFH differentiation and the effector function of differentiated TFH...
Using a combination of single cell- and population-based approaches, we show that in chronic viral infection, activated CD4 T cells differentiate into BCL6-dependent TCF-1+ progenitor cells with superior capacity to expand and give rise to both Teff and Tfh. They share properties with progenitor...
LEF-1 and TCF-1 coordinated TFH differentiation by two general mechanisms. First, they established the responsiveness of naïve CD4+ T cells to TFH signals. Second, they promoted early TFH differentiation via the multipronged approach of sustaining expression of IL-6Rα and gp130, enhancing ...
抗原坚持由于长期的病毒的感染导致 CD8+ T 房间疲劳.部分用尽了 CD8 + T 房间有能力以一种 Tcf1 依赖的方式激活 Tfh 节目.那些象 Tfh 一样 CD8 + Tcells 展览响应 PD-1 阻塞治疗提高了 proliferative 能力并且在削减病毒的复制是更有效的.因此,把在开发和有免疫力的回答期间, T 房间身份的分子的方面可以...