Portal absorption of 14C afteringestion of spiked milk with 14C-phenanthrene,14C-benzo[a]py-rene or 14C-TCDD in growing pigs. Laurent C,Feidt C,Grova N.et al. Chemosphere . 2002Laurent C,Feidt C,Grova N. et al. Portal absorption of 14 C after ingestion of spiked milk with 14 C-...
Rats were sacrificed by CO2overdose, and the livers were removed immediately. Hepatocytes were isolated using the collagenase perfusion method [15]. The liver was perfused with calcium-free Hanks balanced salt solution through the hepatic portal vein to remove blood. As soon as the liver became gr...
Its metal structure is like a portal frame, and two legs are installed under the bearing girder, which can walk directly on the track on the ground. The two ends of the girder can have overhanging cantilever beams. The gantry crane has the characteristics of high site utilization...
Portal absorption of 14C after ingestion of spiked milk with 14C-phenanthrene, 14C-benzo [a] pyrene or 14C- TCDD in growing pigs. Chemosphere 2002, 48 (8), 843-848.Laurent, C.; Feidt, C.; Grova, N.; Mpassi, D.; Lichtfouse, E.; Laurent, F.; Rychen,...
Portal absorption of 14C after ingestion of spiked milk with 14C-phenanthrene, 14C-benzo [a] pyrene or 14C- TCDD in growing pigs. Chemosphere 2002, 48 (8), 843-848.Laurent, C.; Feidt, C.; Grova, N.; Mpassi, D.; Lichtfouse, E.; Laurent, F.; Rychen, G. Portal absorption of C...
B cells, and T cells, characterized by the induction of genes associated with lipid transport, steroid hormone biosynthesis, and the suppression of 尾-oxidation, while linoleic acid metabolism was altered in hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), B cells, portal fibroblasts, and plasmacytoid dendritic cells...
Terminal branches of blood vesselsare identified as PV (portal vein) and HV (hepatic vein). -, The change was doubtful or absent; +, it was definitely present and different from normal; +++, the greatest changes observed at any time were present. ++, reflects intermediate changes (see ...
This is a dramatic alteration in the dopamine concentration, since the dopamine is being measured in the portal circulation which exhibits a rapid turnover. The rate constant of dopamine depletion after 伪-methyl- p-tyrosine and the turnover rate were also significantly elevated in the ME of ...
Portal absorption of 14C after ingestion of spiked milk with 14C-phenanthrene, 14C-benzo[a]pyrene or 14C-TCDD in growing pigs. Chemosphere 48, 843-848.Laurent C,Feidt C,Grova N.et al.Portal absorption of 14C afteringestion of spiked milk with 14C-phenanthrene,14C-benzo[a]py-rene or 14C-...