网址:介绍:TCDB(Transporter Classification Database)是一个专门用于分类和注释转运蛋白(transporters)的数据库。TCDB一共有5级分类(分别对应TC编号…
tcdbtransporter分类数据库databaseadvancesrecent D372–D379NucleicAcidsResearch,2016,Vol.44,DatabaseissuePublishedonline5November2015doi:10.1093/nar/gkv1103TheTransporterClassificationDatabase(TCDB):recentadvancesMiltonH.Saier,Jr1,*,VamseeS.Reddy1,2,BrianV.Tsu1,MuhammadSaadAhmed3,ChunLi3andGabrielMoreno...
The archive or trading cards and all things trading card related. Checklists, galleries, forums, track your collection, trade, and more
Altering private tape configuration database records Alter the TCDB for each private volume serial number from the disabled library that you plan to use. Use IDCAMS or a utility from your tape management system that invokes the IDCAMS facility. The LOCATION field in the TCDB must be altere...
TCDB a.k.a. Tech Club Data Base (日本語名:技術系サークルデーターベース)は日本の全ての技術系サークルのデータベースを作成することを目標にしています。 - RobotClub-RyukyuUniv/TCDB
MSn data extraction and analysis were performed as previously described31,32. MS3 data were subjected to Protein Prospector (v.5.19.1) for database searching, using Batch-Tag against a custom database containing nine protein entries concatenated with its random version. The mass tolerances were se...
Altering private tape configuration database records Alter the TCDB for each private volume serial number from the disabled library that you plan to use. Use IDCAMS or a utility from your tape management system that invokes the IDCAMS facility. The LOCATION field in the TCDB must be alter...