with a focus on Global Mental Health, Health System Strengthening, and Human Resources for Health. Her research is primarily concerned with closing the research-to-practice gap prevalent within Global Health.
【医学专业研究生课程介绍 】 1.全球健康Global Health (M.Sc.) • 由于全球健康是一个多学科领域的课程,申请人可以是任何学科的毕业生。 • 除了满足圣三一大学研究生入学要求外,申请人还须向导师展现出对全球健康或发展中国家的健康问题的研究兴趣以及是否有相应的经历或工作经验。 • 计算机能力-尽管不是...
Funding:比如 CEPH Studentship(cover 学费,提供stipend) , Department Scholarships(fully-funded), Joh...
MSc Global Mental Health MSc Economics M.Phil in English Language Teaching 最低分数要求 📊根据录取案例,录取硕士课程的最低分数要求是82+。具体来说: 商学院建议985/211或软科排名TOP150的申请者; 计算机学院建议985/211或软科排名TOP200的申请者; 其他学院建议985/211均分不低于80%,双非不低于85%; 双非...
其中MSc Global Health专业申请比较难 MSc Nursing护理学本科毕业,需要是中国注册护士。其他相关专业背景...
many narratives are still influenced by worldviews that see the advances in the natural or biological realm as carriers of better health, civilization or culture. The consequences of these processes are tangible. A perspective article in Nature Ecology and Evolution8speaks of colonialism in the mind...
2018年9月29日,剑桥大学Marek Czosnyka教授等人在最新一期的《Acta Neurochirurgica》发表最新研究:通过采用自动探头,可以获得危重TBI患者的长程脑血流记录,从而获得基于TCD脑血管反应指数的接近最优的脑灌注压。随着自动探头技术的不断进步,更长的记录成为可能,人员工时投入减少,TBI患者使用连续无间断的TCD监测将成为神经...
TCD都柏林圣三一大学🇮🇪 :2024年9月入学临近满位专业24年入学硕士课程临近满位提醒。部分专业临近满位,仅有少量名额,后续新申请需要提供合格语言成绩雅思或pte@PTE易王炸 才能审核 Master of Education- language方向 M.Phil Digital humanities and culture Msc Global mental health Msc Economics M.Phil. in ...
the One Health initiative, which aims to solve world health problems through transdisciplinary collaboration, through a series of short presentations discussing various aspects of global health, and ample time for discussion between attendees, including representatives from the DAFM, EPA, HSE and AFBI....
📢 专业提醒: Master of Education- language方向 M.Phil Digital humanities and culture Msc Global mental health Msc Economics M.Phil. in English Language Teaching 请有意申请的学生抓紧时间,确保符合所有要求,以免错过机会。0 0 发表评论 发表 作者...