霍尼韦尔 TC500A Thermostat手册说明书
TC500A-N/TC500A-W Thermostat is an advanced, configurable, connected device for commercial buildings. It controls and monitors Rooftop Unit, Heat Pump equipment, and their configurations. This device communicates over Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Sylk, and easily integrates with the building automation system...
TC500A is identical to the TC500, except it has improved linearity allowing it to operate to a maximum resolution of 17 bits. The TC510 adds an on board negative power supply converter for single supply operation. The TC514 adds both a negative power supply converter and a 4 input ...
Fast and simple contractor commissioning through Honeywell Connect Mobile App, TC500 guided menu, or via Niagara BACnet tool Flexible, configurable universal inputs/outputs, including (2) inputs and (2) inputs/outputs to support a wide variety of applications ...
型号 TC-1DK161TC500A1052TC512V1 ———深圳长欣自动化设备有限公司——— *国外直接采购,正品行货,价格优惠,售后保修,型号齐全,优势库存。 *所有备件的质保期均为1年,经过专业测试认证。 *如果您需要订购产品超过1件,请与我们联系,我们可以为您提供折扣。 *我们仅采用顺丰快递方式递送备件。 *如果您发现...
TC500A 数据表 (HTML) - Microchip TechnologyTC500A 产品详情GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe TC500/500A/510/514 family are precision analog front ends that implement dual slope A/D converters having a maximum resolution of 17 bits plus sign. As a minimum, each device contains the integrator, zero ...
下载TC500A下载 文件大小653.26 Kbytes 页34 Pages 制造商MICROCHIP [Microchip Technology] 网页http://www.microchip.com 标志 功能描述PrecisionAnalogFrontEnds 类似零件编号 - TC500A 制造商部件名数据表功能描述 TelCom Semiconductor, I...TC500A 209Kb/17PPRECISION ANALOG FRONT ENDS ...
涡轮控制器 DS200MSTCF2BEN 通用GE通讯模块 便于携带 全新供应 通用 厦门雄霸电子商务有限公司 3年 查看详情 ¥590.00/台 福建福州 台达远程plc控制模块AS08TC-A模拟量模块全新 快递,自提 优质型 东莞市吉创自动化设备有限公司 3年 查看详情 ¥5000.00/套 福建厦门 DS200TCQAG1B通讯模块PLC通用电气GE燃机系...
转换TC500 / TC500A / TC510 / TC514串行 手术 可编程转换速率和分辨率 最大的灵活性 支持高达17位精度加极性位的 低功耗工作:通常7.5m 14引脚PDIP和16引脚SOIC封装 轮询或中断模式运行 概述 该TC520A串行接口适配器提供了一种逻辑 控制Microchip的TC500 / TC500A / TC510 / TC514 ...
TC500A 参数 Datasheet PDF下载 型号: TC500A PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源 内容描述: 精密模拟前端 [PRECISION ANALOG FRONT ENDS] 分类和应用: 文件页数/大小: 17 页 / 200 K 品牌: TELCOM [ TELCOM SEMICONDUCTOR, INC ]PRECISION ANALOG FRONT ENDS TC500 TC500A TC510 TC514 Table 1. ...