目的 探讨暴发性心肌炎早期康复指导的临床效果.方法 回顾性分析2019年10月-2020年12月期间在我院心内科住院行暴发性心肌炎治疗的54例患者的临床资料.将其随机分为对照组和观察组,对照组为常规护理组,观察组为早期心脏康复护理组,各27人.比较两组的基线资料,出院后1个月,6个月左室大小,心功能改善效果,以及护理...
An on-line database updating network system and method using object-oriented programming to build a program of discrete blocks, with each block being separately accessible, modifiable, and replaceable. The system includes a user terminal, a host terminal, and a communications channel. Origin dates ...
申请(专利权)人: Energy Recovery Systems Inc. 发明人: M Aniello 国省代号: CA 摘要: A retrofit energy exchange system including a first set of valves for connecting to a first energy transfer sub-system. The system further includes a second set of valves for connecting to a second energy...