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Mic-control connector (effect on/off via TC-Helicon MP-75 microphone) All pedals of the VoiceTone series can be connected to each other (via Daisychain) The first pedal takes over the master volume. Includes power supply 30 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee 3 3-Year Thomann Warranty Available...
TC-HeliconVoiceLive Play Vocal Harmony and Effects Footswitch-Controlled Mic Preamp with Harmony, Pitch Correction, Effects, and 200-plus Presets Rated 4/594reviewsWriteyourreviewItem ID: VLPlay $299.00 Or pay$99.66for 3 months with Easy Pay – No hardcredit check!See all payment options ...
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Mic Mechanic 2是一款名副其实的“麦克风机械师”,搭载专业级音频及效果处理技术,带来清晰、温暖、自然生动的人声效果,提供稳定流畅的舞台表现。 这款人声效果单块没有繁复的操作,控制面板简洁易懂,带有混响、回声、音高修正调节旋钮,可以自动修正演唱音调,无需担心偶尔出现的音准偏离;回声效果可打拍定速,调节反馈程度...
Tc Helicon Used Tc Helicon Voicetone Mic Mechanic Vocal Processor 0MusicVirtual Sheet Music Inc