Mic Mechanic 2是一款名副其实的“麦克风机械师”,搭载专业级音频及效果处理技术,带来清晰、温暖、自然生动的人声效果,提供稳定流畅的舞台表现。 这款人声效果单块没有繁复的操作,控制面板简洁易懂,带有混响、回声、音高修正调节旋钮,可以自动修正演唱音调,无需担心偶尔出现的音准偏离;回声效果可打拍定速,调节反馈程度...
TC·HELICON TC Harmony Singer Critical Mass Duplicator人声效果器 Mic Mechanic 2(混响 延时)图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
Tc Helicon Used Tc Helicon Voicetone Mic Mechanic Vocal Processor 0MusicVirtual Sheet Music Inc
Getting your levels right with the TC-Helicon Perform-VK is completely painless. Plug in your mic. Hold the Set button. Sing. That's it, you're done! Perform-VK is among the simplest vocal processors we've used here at Sweetwater. ...
If the vocal microphone TC Helicon MP-75 is added to the setup, then the R1's reverb effect can be switched on and off directly on the mic itself; the Mic Control function on the right side of the VoiceTone R1 just needs to be switched on. With TC-Helicon's Singles Connection Kit ...
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