Tc-99m MDP Scan with Unusual and Isolated Skeletal Metastasis in Skull Bone in a Case of Testicular SeminomaSEMINOMASINGLE-photon emission computed tomographyBONE metastasisRADIONUCLIDE imagingGERM cell tumorsCOMPUTED tomographySeminomas are common germ cell tumors (GCT) that may arise in the testes...
Introduction: Bone scan with 99m Tc-MDP is a commonly used procedure for evaluation of bone metastases because of its high sensitivity, availability, and relatively low cost. The predilection sites for bone metastasis in patients particularly with lung cancers were investigated in this study. Methods...
Study Findings indicated that bone scan, with TC-99m MDP is an appropriate method for evaluation of Hydroxyapatite Vascularization and for estimating the time For peg insertion into the Hydroxyapatite implant. Our study showed proper Hydroxyapatite Vascularization when the ratio of activity in implanted...
279 SIGNIFICANCE OF (99M)TC-METHYLENE DIPHOSPHONATE (MDP) BONE SCAN IN REFLECTING BONE AND CARTILAGE CHANGE IN OSTEOARTHRITIS OF KNEEOne of the biggest milestones in the development of airline revenue management (RM) has been the step from leg to O&D (origin and destination) control. The ...
V: Computer-SimulatedTc-99m(Sn)MDP Bone€"ScanChanges in Some Systemic Disorders: Concise Communication ,andby selective Iy perturbingappropriaterate constants,we simulatedchanges in contrastbe tween bone and soft tissue in a number of systemic disorders. ... ND Charkes,P Makler 被引量: 0发表...
笔者报道了一例原发性乳腺骨肉瘤(POB)的 99Tc m-MDP SPECT全身骨显像病例,分别从临床症状、实验室检查、超声、CT及 99Tc m-MDP全身骨显像等方面分析了该病的特点,并通过文献回顾总结了POB的影像学特征。POB临床罕见, 99Tc m-MDP全身骨显像有助于发现转移灶、多灶病变、疾病的鉴别诊断及临床分期,具有一定的临床...
Antecedent 99m Tc-MDP and 99m Tc-Sestamibi Administration Corrupts Bone Mineral Density Measured by DXA 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 59 作者:FE Mckiernan,J Hocking,S Cournoyer 摘要: Previous reports of the effect of antecedent administration of radionuclide on bone mineral density (BMD)...
血清TPSA检测与99Tc m-MDP显像对 前列腺癌骨转移的诊断价值比较 吴振夫,段永强 (鄂东医疗集团黄石市中心医院湖北理工学院附属医院核医学科,湖北黄石435001)摘要:目的比较血清前列腺特异抗原(total prostate-specific antigen,TPSA)检测与99Tc"'-MI)P显像(whole body scan, WBS)对前列腺癌骨转移的诊断价值.方法前列...
目的分析多骨型骨纤维异常增殖症(PFD) 99Tc m-亚甲基二膦酸盐(MDP)平面显像与SPECT/CT显像的图像特征。 方法回顾性纳入2007年6月至2017年3月间23例PFD患者,其中男12例,女11例,年龄10~77(31.4±3.4)岁。23例中21例经病理确诊,2例经临床和全身骨显像随访证实。分析患者 99Tc m-MDP全身骨平面显像和SPECT/...