21. Power off the oscilloscope, and then power on the oscilloscope to complete the process. 6 TBS1000C Declassification and Security Clear or sanitize a non-functional instrument Acquisition board Remove the Acquisition board and return the product to Tektronix. A new Acquisition board will be ins...
TBS1000C Two-Channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope - Making Measurements2024-02-01 This short video offers three simple techniques for making oscilloscope measurements to help you get your testing done quickly.Durée 1m 17s Related Product Information...
TBS1000C 數位儲存示波器以精巧的設計提供經濟實惠的效能,並提供當今教育機構、嵌入式設計師和製造商所需的功能、多功能性和耐用性。 TBS1000C 包含 7 吋 WVGA 彩色顯示器,其取樣率高達 1 GS/s、頻寬從 50 MHz 到 200 MHz,還有五年保固。 其創新的課程軟體系統將學生的實驗室練習與逐步指示整合在一起。Help...
Autoset, cursors, and automated measurements can be disabled on the TBS1000C so students can learn the basic concepts and understand how to use the horizontal and vertical controls. Educators can even set a password to enable these features.Built-in Oscilloscope Handbook — Dive into the Basics ...
TBS1000C 系列示波器用户手册 23 熟悉示波器 受支持的探头类型 有关适用于 TBS1000C 系列示波器的众多探头的详细信息,请访问 Tektronix 网站 (www.tek.com) 上的 Oscilloscope Probe and Accessory Selector Tool(示 波器探头和附件选择工具). 24 TBS1000C 系列示波器用户手册 熟悉示波器 进行测量时减少静电损坏 ...
The TBS1000C oscilloscope provides industry-leading quality and reliability for educational institutions, embedded designers, and small business owners. With an intuitive UI, built-in help, and a 5 year warranty, the 2-channel scope empowers you to learn and in...
全新TBS1000C数字存储示波器现已在全球范围内上市,每台仪器都拥有泰克五年保修服务。如需更多信息,请访问https://www.tek.com.cn/oscilloscope/tbs1000-digital-storage-oscilloscope 9月3日,泰克仪器测试小达人刘巍将为您献上首场新款示波器开箱演示,大家拭目以待!
Tektronix泰克TBS1000CSeriesDeclassificationandSecurityInstructions解密说明书用户手册用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 TBS1000C Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope Declassification and Security Instructions *P077158500* 077-1585-00 TBS1000C Series Digital Storage Oscilloscope Declassification and Security ...
and TDS2000C Series: Reliability By Design Technical Brief What You Will Learn How the product design creates the unique combination of advanced performance and measurement accuracy.The outstanding reliability of these instruments is unmatched in its class. All this at an affordable price.
TBS1000CSeriesOscilloscopeDatasheet HelpEverywhere小贴士解释了重要设置。 创新的新型教育解决方案 TBS1000X系列示波器提供多项功能,让教育工作者可以把更多的时间用来讲授基本概念。示波器简介手册已嵌入TBS1000X系列帮助系统。按前面板上的帮助按钮,可以访问有关示波器基本操作的信息,还可以查看TBS1000X系列示波器和控件的...