TBS Education’s Paris campus is located in the 15th arrondissement, the second largest student district in Paris. The building is close to all services (metro, tramway, bus). Designed in a converted high school, the campus offers bright classrooms and work areas, an incubator/coworking space,...
French Business School triply accredited that offers Bachelor in Management, Master in Management and Master of Science programs on its 4 European campuses.
学校信息 图卢兹商学院(Toulouse Business School)又称图卢兹高商,是法国著名的精英商学院,法国历史最为悠久的老牌名校之一,法国精英教育系统Grandes Ecoles成员,长久以来在欧洲商业社会中享有盛誉,也是全欧洲最顶尖的综合管理学院之一,学院主校区位于法国“玫瑰之城” 图卢兹。 学院成立于1903年,是法国著名的Grandes Ecoles...
建议是图卢兹高商的ge 的项目哦 图卢兹高商是法国排名top的学校 ge项目又是中法都是中法认证的文凭哦...
5.MSc Data Science for Business (en partenariat avec l'École Polytechnique) HEC Paris / Ecole Polytechnique Italy 6.Master in Business Analytics and Data Science POLIMI Graduate School of Management United Kingdom 7.Politics, Big Data and Quantitative Methods - MA ...
Natsuki Obana is a charismatic Japanese chef running a 2-star restaurant in Paris. Despite an extreme pride and confidence, he can’t seem to earn the 3 stars he covets. Feeling the pressure of a career slipping away, Obana’s troubles are compounded when his restaurant is caught in a sca...
On the road from Reims to Paris, we visited the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery and the nearby Marine Memorial in Belleau Wood: The accounts of the heroic battles here in June and July, 1918 by the Marines and US and French army forces show how they stopped a massive German offensive. Two...
Bachelor in Management A true international experience focused on the corporate world The TBS Education Bachelor in Management is an officially recognized French higher education degree for international business and business administration with a specia