开发商 Black Square 发布了备受期待的 Microsoft Flight Simulator TBM 850 单引擎涡轮螺旋桨飞机。TBM 850 声称是 Microsoft Flight Simulator 中技术最先进的飞机模拟之一,具有 100 种可能的故障、热插拔无线电配置以及 MSFS 中最先进的增压和机舱温度模拟。 Black Square 选择为 MSFS 重建的飞机是 2006 年 TBM ...
The BlackSquare TBM 850 is still my favorite GA aircraft in MSFS. Besides smaller fixes and technological upgrade to match the Dukes, my biggest wish is a customized sound set. The default Asobo TBM 930 sounds definitely do not match the fidelity of the 850 aircraft rendition itself. I pers...
Compatibility: MSFS 2020 Black Square’s TBM 850 brings you one of the most technically advanced aircraft simulations for Microsoft Flight Simulator, with nearly 100 possible failures, including new turbine engine failures, hot-swappable radio configurations and the most advanced pressurisation and cabi...