The TBD Devastator was an American torpedo bomber from the United States Navy. Ordered in 1934, it first flew in 1935 and entered service in 1937. At that point, it was the most advanced aircraft flying for the Navy and possibly for any navy in the world. However, the fast pace of air...
The Douglas TBD Devastator was a torpedo bomber of the United States Navy, ordered in 1934, it first flew in 1935 and entered service in 1937. At that point, it was the most advanced aircraft flying for the USN and possibly for any navy in the world. However, the fast pace of aircraft...
The Douglas TBD Devastator was a torpedo bomber of the United States Navy, ordered in 1934, it first flew in 1935 and entered service in 1937. At that point, it was the most advanced aircraft flying for the USN and possibly for any navy in the world. However, the fast pace of aircraft...
品牌: Kit Masx 标题: Douglas TBD-1/1A Devastator Canopy & Wheel Masks for Valom (Tamiya Tape) 数量: 72-152T 比例: 1:72 类型: 遮盖套装 发布: 2024 新零件 主题: Douglas TBD Devastator » 螺旋桨 (飞机) 设计为 该改件适用于:: ...
商品編號:SM8001。商品規格:1/72。其他說明:道格拉斯破壞者式魚雷轟炸機。建議售價:NT$1700。網路特價:NT$1700。商品說明:T-14, VT-8 USS Hornet Battle of Midway, 4 June 1942T-14, VT-8大黃蜂號航空母艦中途島戰役,1942年6月4日
商品編號:SM8009 商品規格:1/72金屬完成品 其他說明: 建議售價:NT$3400 網路特價:NT$2,720 商品說明
商品編號:SM8002 商品規格:1/48 其他說明: 建議售價:NT$1700 網路特價:NT$1,360 商品說明 相關商品 上一個下一個
網路特價:NT$1,720商品說明相關商品F-84E Thunderjet (SM6002)售價:NT$1240 F-84G Thunderjet 110145, Royal Norwegian AF, 1957售價:NT$1620 Aichi D3A1 (Val) Model II售價:NT$1500 Jet Provost Trainer T5售價:NT$1120 F-84E Thunderjet (SM6001)售價:NT$1240 ...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现蹂躏者 轰炸机 陆军涂装 两架装 水贴 TBD-1 Devastator 1/350的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于蹂躏者 轰炸机 陆军涂装 两架装 水贴 TBD-1 Devastator 1/350的信息,请来淘宝
模型名称:TBD-1 Devastator 黄蜂号航母,VT-8中队,BuNo 0308,1942年6月4日"中途岛海战" 模型历史背景: (咨询特价)年六月,海军航空部(BuAer)向各大航空机制造企业提出研制一种新型轰炸机以替代目前在各个VT中队(轰炸机)服役的BM-2和大湖TG-2 这两种双翼轰炸机。道格拉斯公司的VT-VB最终赢得这一项目。做为一种...