remember the lyrics to theme song by heart. 赞 回复 多多妙 2009-11-22 17:17:58 我喜欢没事随便敲桌子或门学谢耳朵敲门时候的语气。。。 赞 回复 亚亚平宁 (Verify you are human) 2009-11-22 17:34:03 喊邻居penny X 3 ~ 赞 回复 😍 (6+) 2009-11-23 22:25:45 into it 赞...
- The Barenaked Ladies made a special appearance and performed The Big Bang Theory theme song (the full version) with the audience singing along. (We were all given a sheet with the lyrics prior to the panel).- What is the cast geeky for?Kunal Nayyar (Raj) – BadmingtonSimon Helberg ...
remember the lyrics to theme song by heart. 赞 回复 多多妙 2009-11-22 17:17:58 我喜欢没事随便敲桌子或门学谢耳朵敲门时候的语气。。。 赞 回复 亚亚平宁 (Verify you are human) 2009-11-22 17:34:03 喊邻居penny X 3 ~ 赞 回复 😍 (6+) ...