In the original shooting script the make-believe molester was called Father Horrigan. CBS strongly objected to this. Their concern was that Catholic viewers would be offended by any suggestion that a Catholic priest would molest a child. I argued that several billion dollars in punitive damage ...
(disapproving) 贬义词的意思 这里ps的全称也说查了一下,是 postscript 音标没有标,不会打,于是就。。。(不求上进了) 然后大家如果仔细看了一下的话,新单词前我用了+号,示例短语前用了#,例句前用了%,算是个人小习惯吧,这里说明一下。 那这样的话,第一篇就结束了。 DeShis 2020.02.15本文为我原创 分享...
No sloppy astrophysicists creating vulnerable websites.</br> No physicists from Princeton that can't code a proper python script</br> No engineers using weak passwords, asides being engineers</br> </br> <img src="me.jpg" style="height: 50%"/> <!--Hint for my future self in case I...
It's probably just going to be Penny and Sheldon reenacting the scene with a crazy science-filled script clearly written by him and maybe a pan of all the faces of everyone else. 漂流瓶之梦 吧主 11 我也是转的吧里可有能看懂的给翻译几段? 漂流瓶之梦 吧主 11 【谷歌的垃圾翻译】...
名称:TBBT: FunWithFlags 地址:,437/ 其他说明:靶机配置静态IP地址,因此Kali Linux的网卡需要配置成同一网段的地址 NMAP扫描 利用NMAP工具对目标主机进行全端口扫描: ┌──(kali㉿kali)-[~/Vulnhub/TBBT] ...
字体家族名称: ZJLTBBTJW 字体子家族名称: Regular 统一字体标识: Founder:ZJLTBBTJW 字体全名: ZJLTBBTJW 版本: Version 1.00 PostScript名称: ZJLTBBTJW--GB1-0 商标信息: Beijing Founder Electronics Co.,Ltd. 北京北大方正电子有限公司 制造商信息: 北京北大方正电子有限公司 设计师: 北京北大方正电子有限公司...
via ...展开全文c 2 1 ñ5 +关注 电影音乐集结号 01月31日 17:35 #现场演出# 江蕙《酒后的心声》动了情,伤了心,喝醉了酒的人才体会得到#音乐推荐# #音乐现场# L电影音乐集结号的微博视频 1 1 ñ2 +关注 步精分 01月31日 17:31 物欲横流,要是真的有油井...
In the original shooting script the make-believe molester was called Father Horrigan. CBS strongly objected to this. Their concern was that Catholic viewers would be offended by any suggestion that a Catholic priest would molest a child. I argued that several billion dollars in punitive damage ...